
Automobiles in Belize?

Kim Carlsson

Hi!  We're seriously considering setting up an auto mechanical shop somewhere in Belize    (except Belize City)
Can someone tell me which areas/towns have the highest concentration of vehicles?  We're hoping to go to the Northern portion of the country.

  Any advice on this topic is welcome!!

Thank you!

See also

How to drive in BelizeDrivers in BelizeBEST VEHICLE DEALERSHIPS IN BELIZE?Convoy/Caravan to Belize from TX?UTV or Kei trucks street legal?

Hello from Corozal..

Just one thought...were I in your shoes, I don't think I'd be as concerned with quantity as with quality.  Having a clientele with adequate resources to pay for quality work seems to be a more desirable goal.  We have lots of shade tree mechanics here, some are acceptable, others, not so much.  We seem to struggle with a reliable individual who actually knows how to read diagnostics in later model US manufactured vehicles.  If you could provide that service and had the ability to set up a good supply chain of US parts, there probably wouldn't be enough hours in the day.

Karen Wilkinson

Kim Carlsson

Hi Karen,  Thanks for your post!   I'm actually thinking Corozal seems to be the place to go. My partner has been a mechanic all his life and has run his own successful shop for the last 15 years.  He's very good, if I do say so myself.  Older or newer models, tractors, motorcycles,.... you name it, he can fix it!    Ideally it would be great to find an existing shop with accommodations so we can move in and start business right away.  If we have to build we will, but an existing    structure is our preference.   If you hear or see this in the next 12 months, please keep me in mind!   We're aiming for a move in about 18 months.   CHEERS!

Kim Carlsson

Hi Malcolm, 
Nice to hear from you!    We haven't decided on an area to plant ourselves in yet, but if it happens to be near Hopkins (which I've heard is nice!),  I'll definitely be in touch! 

Thanx! :)


You will need a work permit.   The Belize government makes an effort to protect Belizean workers by limiting or prohibiting competition from non-Belizeans.    They may not give you a permit since there are already many auto mechanics here.  Or they may give you a permit after many months of waiting.  I would suggest that you make no investment in work space until you have the work permit in your hand.    My husband is a Chiropractor & MD.   He has a work permit to practice Chiropractic since there are very few in Belize.  We live in Corozal.    We hired a local Justice of the Peace to help us navigate and comply with all the government requirements.  Corozal is a small community, of about 10,000 people, most of which have limited financial resources, both citizens and ex-pats.  Placencia is the area of greatest affluence.   If you have a stable outside income that is enough to support you and your business, you may be able to do as you are planning/hoping.