
looking for some information from current expats from Venezuela

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Hello, I am looking for some help and writing on behalf of my gf in Venezuela, looking for some information from current expats from Venezuela or indeed anywhere in South America who maybe can help me out.
Any help would be greatly appreciated
Kind regards

See also

Living in Ireland: the expat guidePPS NumberExchange and partnershipAcca affiliateHow to make friends in Ireland

Hi Kevin,

Please note that i created a new thread with your post on the Venezuela forum for more visibility. :)

What kind of help are you looking for please?



Hey Priscilla, Thanks for moving my post.

I am looking for help in a few areas, like cost of travel, best way to come and stay in ireland, if the best way is study how much did it cost etc. I have been looking online for help but money is the biggest obstacle for both of us, cost of study is soo much, and seems it has to be for a Level 7 or level 8 course in college.

Kind regards

Newcomer Caracas

Hello all! It is my family's intention to move to Caracas, Venezuela next year. But, unfortunately there is not much information about living in Caracas. So, I created a Facebook page to initiate conversations and answer questions regarding expats life in Caracas. You are all invited to like the page.


Hi Kevin,

Are you looking for information to stay in Ireland with your girlfriend or you want to stay in Venezuela? If you have questions about life in Ireland, you should then post on the Ireland forum.

@Newcomer Caracas > You are on an expat forum where members share their experiences and look for information about life abroad. So, why don't you give useful information on the forum? This will help lots of members here.

Thank you,
Christine team

Newcomer Caracas

Yes, I am looking forward to learn about Caracas and sharing information!

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