
Computer Downloads Direct to TV?

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I've heard about a way to watch movie downloads from your computer on your TV without having to do the whole burn-a-DVD thing.

Anybody know what this device is called?  It's available at Jarir, I've heard, but would sure like to know the name before heading over there.

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Okay, to answer my own question:

It's called a WD  TV mini media player, cost 179SAR at Jarir, and the way it works is you copy the download onto a flash drive and then insert the flash into this mini media player, which hooks into the TV.  Even has a remote!

I'll let you know how it goes once I get it hooked up.


erm..i believe that many dvd players available now have the usb option which is basically copy the movie onto the usb then plug it into the dvd player.


instead of buying that device, i wud do wat mir said and i do connect my laptop to the TV and watch it...
theres one more device that connects to the internet thru cable as well as wireless which collects data from the streaming websites like youtube, and many others and streams onto the TV. It also has a usb thingy with which u can even watch ur downloaded movies...its nice coz i got to see some sports tournaments free as they were being aired on some paid channels which i didnt pay


I Have a DVD PLAYER EURO STAR with USB port i download movies on computer and copy in flash and it works perfect :) it only coasted me 120SAR . And i would suggest new DSL SATELLITE RECEIVER which provide all Paid & Free TV channels including Showtime Package and everything which we can imagine its in that .Only thing you will have to do is get this Box which is only 650SAR and after 6 months u will have to subscribe which only cost 250SAR . I'm happy with this its working superb than anything which i ever used to watch movies or TV channels :)


but you have to already have a satellite dish, correct?


Yes the satellite dish for this receiver costs 45#SAR.And this satellite Dish is very small in size and weigh almost 1 pound :)

Salman Omrani

I think the DSL based reciever doesn't need a satellite as its connected to the DSL! :P
but I could be wrong.



Yes you are wrong my Brother . Actually DSL receiver helps to watch all kind of PAID TV channels at very low price rate which is 250 SAR for 6 months . :)



Salman, we're talking about a 'dream box' and you have to already have cable/satelite dish for it to work.


Yes that's the receiver which im Using :)And wow Alliecat you are Genius that you found the name of this receiver even i didn't mentioned the name in my previous posts :)


Alliecat you are Genius

YAY!  My genius is finally recognized!!! :lol:

But I've known about this for a while--it interests me ;)


Oh yeah It sounding to me that you are ;)


My questions and i want quick replies...

Q1.Will my old Satellite dishes work with this dream box or i have to buy the small dish ?

Q2.Does this dream box has parental control feature?

Q3.Does it allow recording, Hard disk inside?

Q4.Can i connect this with my PC? & how?

which DB is the best one?

btw i am planning to install this in parallel to my old "Strong Receiver" so that FTA can be watched as before.



aamirsq wrote:

My questions and i want quick replies...

Q1.Will my old Satellite dishes work with this dream box or i have to buy the small dish ?

Q2.Does this dream box has parental control feature?

Q3.Does it allow recording, Hard disk inside?

Q4.Can i connect this with my PC? & how?

which DB is the best one?

btw i am planning to install this in parallel to my old "Strong Receiver" so that FTA can be watched as before.


Q1. Old satellites work fine with Dreambox. No need to buy new dish

Q2. No parental control does allow you to make a kids channel under which you put all the channels for children, similarly for sports, news etc...

Q3. No hard drive in Dream box

Q4. Dream box is connected to your TV (same way as your existing box) plus its also connected to your internet connection by wires.

It works fine, is cheap alternative to subscriptions


and i want quick replies...

SaudUK, you're a better person than I.  With that attitude, aamirsq could have waited till hell freezes over as far as I'm concerned.


shahab.ali wrote:

instead i do connect my laptop to the TV and watch it...

Allie, what's to stop you doing this. The cable costs about 50 riyals!

Connect computer to TV, start movies on laptop, watch movie on TV.

That's what I do.



I've been saving to a flash.  Didn't realize that my NEW DVD player had a USB port (since the old ones--like the one I have at home--don't!).

So problem all solved and thanks to all :)


I've been searching in market what i found
for 6 months subscription 650/= & 1 year 800/= only receiver.

but what i was told by some of my friends with this Dream box and they can even watch the channels on their laptop after installing some program that came with it.

Q2. its not good news
Q3. i can use eSata and use external hard disk to record programs.
Q4. perhaps i could use tv tuner card to connect to my PC.

& for replying take your time :)
"The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn." Alvin Toffler


does this mean I cancel my "netflix" subscription? Right now it sends me instant movies to my laptop OR my TV, as well as sends hard copies of those flims that they don't have in digital format.

Even so, I guess I'd need the dish too?  Weighs a pound, heh? Not bad.  All of it sounds financially comparable to here. But my satellite dish here is crazy big, and not in a good way.


Dear all,

I am new to this forum, is any one can help me to find Dreambox in here at Riyadh. i would like to Install one as i have DSL @ home.


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