Hey y'all!

Been in kuala lumpur for almost an year now but had to come here to make some friends and meet some easy going people. Don't really get what all people are running after or what is it that keeps them busy here. Hoping for a change, fingers crossed.

Hi errr not sure how at a Uni and in KL one cannot make friends. I would suggest some other sites with events but will get moderated!

To be an expat one has to push oneself. You can't be introverted!

Perhaps you might consider rewording your initial posting?  The reason I mention this is because what you have written just SCREAMS that you are not really interested in other people...... If you can't imagine what makes other people "tick" and don't understand how and why people already know how to spend their daily lives enjoyably and successfully (in contrast to how you describe your own interaction with your environment) you are just sending the message that you have built a wall of apathy around yourself, and that is difficult for others to have the patience to befriend you and penetrate. Tell us what you ENJOY doing and others may recognise something they could SHARE with you?

You wrote:
"Been in kuala lumpur for almost an year now but had to come here to make some friends and meet some easy going people. Don't really get what all people are running after or what is it that keeps them busy here. Hoping for a change, fingers crossed."