Moving to Guyana
Hi there.
Soon to retire, I'm planning to go and live in Georgetown, Guyana, a country I already know for having made several trips there.
Some advice, opinions and suggestions from anyone would not be too much!
Thanks in advance.
Hi Jean,
Je me permets d'écrire en français, je suis personnellement bientôt embauché par une société fr établie en Guyana et à travers les échange que j'ai eu, j'en ai l'impression d'un pays sympathique mais puisque vous dites y avoir fait plusieurs voyages j'aimerais beaucoup votre avis !
Et puis si j'y vais je vous donnerais en retour des nouvelles de là-bas
@ Marc: Since we are on an english-speaking forum, it would be best if you could only post in english for the members to understand and participate
Sorry for that, I did not mean to be rude or anything,
So, I was saying that soon I will (in theory) be recruited by a company located in Guyana and through the exchanges I had with the people there ; it seem to be a nice place to live but since he went there several times, I was wondering if he could tell me more about that country.
And if I go there, I will give him the latest news from Guyana
If anyone have some anecdote I will gladly hear them !
What about doing it in both languages when necessary?
Thanx for your remark anyway. U R rite.
Bonjour Marc.
En effet, je connais un peu le Guyana où j'y ai beaucoup d'amis. J'ai d'ailleurs vécu en Guyane Française pendant six ans.
Je résumerais les défauts du Guyana ainsi: sale et bruyant (Georgetown).
Mais en revanche, les gens sont extrèmement gentils et accueillants. On n'y ressent aucun problème de communitarisme et les gens semblent vivre en parfaite harmonie et sont très ouverts et tolérants.
Ajouté à cela un climat plaisant toute l'année(bien qu'humide) et une vie beaucoup moins chère qu'en France. Le rythme de vie est très agréable et tranquille.
Bref, il me tarde de m'y installer.
Je serai bien sûr preneur de toutes informations concernant des français et des entreprises françaises sur place bien que j'évoluerai avec des locaux principalement comme ma fiancée, ses enfants et sa famille (j'envisage d'y trouver une petite activité en rapport avec mes compétences d'enseignant). Si tu as des contacts, ils seront les bienvenus.
A bientôt.
Hello Marc.
In fact, I know a little Guyana where I have many friends. I also lived in French Guiana for six years.
I would characterize defaults of Guyana as dirty and noisy (Georgetown).
But on the other hand, people are extremely friendly and welcoming. One doesn't feel any communitarian problems and people seem to live in perfect harmony and are very open-minded and tolerant.
Moreover, there's a pleasant climate year-round (though sometimes wet) and way lot cheaper than in France too. The pace of life is very nice and quiet.
In short, I'm looking forward to living there.
I would of course be interested in all kinds of information concerning French people and sites though I will mainly stay with locals, such as my Guyanese girlfriend and her kids and family (I'm planning to get myself a little professional activity there in relation with my teaching skills). If you have contacts there, they'll be much appreciated.
Look forward to hearing from you,
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