Is traveling really worth it when u have all back home ?

is there any need to travel when conditions are good back home ? why do we travel aside site seeing and business?

I travel for work so I can support my family.
By doing so I also get to see a bit of the world and not have to pay for it.

friend is a nice point u raised.thump up for that.

I travelled because a few girlfriends suggested I visit Malaysia.
A couple of old girlfriends had also suggested a combination of sex and travel after bad breakups.

Apart from the reasons I had when I first did a bit of serious travelling, I found more reasons by the time I returned home from that first trip to wonderful Malaysia.
I knew nothing of the world but I'm a fast leaner.

wooow , nice reasons u got there

stumpy wrote:

I travel for work so I can support my family.
By doing so I also get to see a bit of the world and not have to pay for it.

It's the opposite for me:
I traveled to see the world (I've always had this wanderlust) and managed to find work that supports an international lifestyle. However, I've more or less given up just travelling, because you don't really get to know a place (you only scratch the surface at best). I try to stay in a country for at least 6-12 months, the longer the better, otherwise it's not worth it.


I travel to experience new cultures, people and sights. I agree you need to spend some time in different places when you travel.

Bob K

If you see no point to traveling, you can just stay home. It's not important for some people, and that is perfectly fine too. This might not be the website for you though, if that is how you feel!

HaileyinHongKong wrote:

Are people only supposed to travel when conditions are bad back home?

To travel you have to have a sense of adventure.
There are those who do not and there are those who would like to.
There are also those who complain  about how bad things are at home but choose not to move on.
They are happy having something to complain about.

Travelling means seeing and experiencing things which this world has to offer. Can you have all those cultures, cuisines, people "back at home" . I travel for the experience I think it changes me everytime I am away. Moreover its not about lavish living and spending while travelling instead I like to see more, and meet more people.

Hey even if I am living in paradise I will go and visot hell once just to be more aware haha. Otherwise I would never know.

mas fred wrote:

A couple of old girlfriends had also suggested a combination of sex and travel after bad breakups.

Nice one, fred! Gave me a smile.

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