
Everything Christmas

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Every year we get questions from people about Christmas,  what is Christmas like here?  What kind of presents should I buy?  What will dinner be like etc etc.

This is the place for Everything Christmas!!!!

Let me get this party started - cause that is what Christmas is! Parties have already started and won't finish until well into January. Tis the season to laugh, dance, sing, drink and party.

December is the month when there is a lot of $$$ in the streets.  Legal employees are going to get their "13th" paycheck.  All employees will received an extra pay in December equal to 1/12 of their annual earnings (base salary only and their is a limit if the company chooses)  SO for many many Dominicans this is a windfall. 

that being said, many Dominicans have already spent this money, by borrowing from loan sharks at  30% interest and up.....

But for many this is when they buy.  Unlike North America and I assume Europe,  things don't go on "sale" during December, in fact many stores put their prices up.  The culture here is one of instant gratification,  so they want to buy what they want to buy and they want to buy it NOW.

This is a time to put off that bigger purchase and be very very careful in the streets.  More money in the streets means more problems in the streets.  The gov't has hired and trained thousands of additional police and protection personnel, but still be careful.

Parties have already started - most companies will throw an employee party,  which usually involves lots of drinks, food etc.

Drinking and driving is a major issue here - be safe - take a taxi!

Christmas dinner is  enjoyed on the night of December 24th.  It can range from the truly extravagant to the very simple.  Many of the poor can't afford to do anything much for Christmas.

It is a general tradition that everyone gets a new outfit for Christmas! And other presents are not often exchanged. This is changing in the middle and upper classes but for the poorer of this country there just is no money. Traditionally children get a toy or toys on 3 Kings Day, not on Christmas.

Dinner:  pork roasted on a spit (stands at the side of the road everywhere)  rice, casava, pasta salad, yucca, and more again depending how much money the family has for dinner.  It is joyous regardless of the wealth of the family.

Christmas here is much much more about family and community!  It is far less commercial then I remember, in fact the commercialism is what I wanted to escape from.

So,  others please jump in, tell us your experiences please!  IF you are Dominican please tell us your traditions - you are the experts on this!!!!!

By the way I LOVE CHRISTMAS here!

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Bob K

I so love the pork that is everywhere.

Also this is the season NOT to get any work done. Between multiple holidays between Christmas and late January almost no work gets done.  Add to this the Monday's that many are hung over and do not go to work or go and do nothing almost nothing gets done.  So if you have any projects to do during this time and are relying on local  "talent" FORGET IT!

Bob K


Good point Bob,  from about  Dec 18th or so to about January 6th, NOTHING gets accomplished.  Things come to a screaming HALT so,  any deadlines,  expectations etc,  put em on the shelf!!!!


This  is the second last weekend before Christmas. It is crazy crazy already in the streets.  I am not out there but a friend of mine is!  He went to PriceMart this morning early,  got there before opening and they were lined up to get in.

You may not know that most people here work a 5.5 day week.  Most work until noon or 1pm today, and longer depending on extended store hours. For example  CPS extended their hours Saturday.....

So anyone working 5.5 days a week will be out later today and tomorrow to get some shopping done. 

I also told you about the Christmas Bonus - all legal employees get another paycheck in December = to 1/12 of their annual salary earned for this year (mas o menos)

Apparently this money is now on the streets and Dominicans are shopping. I am not sure where or how this bonus got started but it is like a forced savings plan for Dominicans, and they reap the rewards at the most festive time of year.  And boy are they festive.....

So it is every man for himself in the stores today. I need to go to the grocery store but will do that a bit later, not a big deal. I do my big shop on week days. 

This year I am having  9 others for Christmas dinner at my place!  Yikes!  I  celebrate on the 25th,  Dominicans for the most part have their meal on the 24th!  Then once the meal is eaten, time with family is over, many go out dancing into the wee hours of the morning....

Bob K

We went to la Sirena Wednesday and it was also a zoo. The people were going nuts filling their baskets with all kind of toys, electronics, clothes and food.  I usually go almost every Wednesday but will not go near the place again until after Jan.1

We were also thinking of trip to PriceMart in Santiago in the near future but that too will be next year.

Yes the Christmas extra pay has hit the streets and it is burning a hole in everyone's pockets.

Bob K


So true Bob.  The culture here is "instant gratification" They want it and they want it now. 

I learned a few years ago to never make major purchases in December.  Too much money in the streets and prices increase.  So,  wait until January when no one has money and  you will get a better deal!!!!

Unfortunately I will need to go to stores before Christmas!  yikes, not looking forward to that!   I do like to go sit at the mall and watch the people go nuts though..... LOL


I have been acused of too much planning by my Dominican friends, they can't relate as to why I have to plan out every step before I make a desicion, they tell me I need to be more spontaneous, but. I tell them that in the U.S. Operating on that level is very hard to survive, planning is most essential in America :-)

Bob K

Planning beyond this afternoon is a unfamiliar concept for the Dominican culture and will never change.  You my friend will have to bend on this one or it will be very frustrating for you over time.  The "future" is a vague concept.

Bob K


Oh I think I might like that, live for today!


One of the reasons I chose to live here was to be a bit more - In the Moment.   Bob is correct,  you will need to learn to bend on this as  it is NOT gonna change here.

Planning is something I do by my very nature.  Here I have had to let go of a lot of it, OR,  keep it to myself!!!! 

In business I do my planning, but in my personal life I try to let go.


Have you experienced this: 

I have a wrench, therefor I am a plumber.
I have some wire, therefor I am an electrician.
I  have a saw, therefor I am a carpenter.....

If you have not yet, oh man, you are in for some fun!!!!! Be careful, be very careful.....

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