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does Ecquador have a expat visa for retiees or discounts and are the visa's hard to get
are there different types of visa's
Yes -- it's called a pensionado visa. You can do a search here (or on the web generally) for info, because there's a lot available. Or folks here will be happy to answer specific questions.
A quick overview: You have to be able to prove that you have a guaranteed income (e.g., pension) of at least $800/month ($900 for a couple). This means a letter from SS, if you are American. You also need several other documents (birth certificate, marriage docs, police clearance), lists of which you can find here or on the web or (best bet) from your nearest Ecuadorian consulate. Many of them must be translated, notarized, and appostilled -- again, the consulate can tell which docs need what.
There are definitely hoops to jump through, but those who have done it (I haven't yet) mostly seem to think it's not too onerous.
Good luck,
There are different types of visa yes
You have 90 days to decide which kind you want and the minute you arrive you get the paper work going to get the one you want. They take it serious they will kick you out and fast and i have seen it...not like america they only kick out americans..ha
Bring all your paper work orginals with seals, up dated notarized, apposeled (i would have spanish done here because they dont like american spanish they say they do but they dont)
if you are devorced bring your divorced papers docket papers originals no copies i even had a crimal record on myself in my file. i did not bring a lot of cash i keeo my big money in usa which is smart..,,do not buy here for at least yr or two to case it out if your smart. we have been here two yrs and our oppinion has changed so careful sharks every where. you get smarter with time. rent and learn location do not up set or get mad at people it does not help the process they get meaner warning. good luck hope i helped a little
Bobh is right is right you gave to have a lertter from srs to prove you have income of a certain amount for you. you can attach others to your visa which is nice.....
Now health care i cancelled mine and did....but a lot of my friebds did not....but when they get here they realize i dont get anything for oaying all this money for medicare you can buy health care here for $70.00 a mo to 150.00 a mo that includes drugs if they say no to some drugs then you buy but they are so cheap. they dont carry all the drugs america has....but they have other drugs and experimental that i take that usa does not allow that keep me alive from germany which is great....there is good and bad like every where you adjust....bobh is right i forgot he added the things i forgot get that ss letterbit is important you need it before you leave. it is stating your income. any formal letter stateing your income is important bring it with you..,i had everything noterized they love seals real ones. oh check thst your mother ad fstgers names are on your birth certicicate because if tgey are not they wil not accept it. now get your papers close to when you leave because you date them...abd they will expire can you believe that one i didnt even now the papers could expire thst one shocked me. do not kaug at them tgey do not like it....but wgen we get home we always laugh and laugh and come back tomorrow hahahaha abd we do...ha

What do you mean by expire? the notary seals and appostilles? Do you know anything about or how to find out about the professional visa I am an RN with Bachelor's degree also on SS disability and need to have that award letter notarized and appostiled.Most notary stuff I have done lately aren't real imprinted seal. Do you think that is a problem? I have email address for lawyer who is recommended by many expats in Cuenca but don't have the money, maybe they will give a little bit of free advice HA HA

The notary is just a stamp with signature and date.

I have criminal record arrests but all dismissed. Do they ask for it? Is it better not to say anything? Do they do background check with FBI or state police. Was told they only care about drug convictions, serious felonies or sex crimes. Should I just get a copy, bring it with me and if they don't ask for it don't say anything?
suefrankdahl wrote:What do you mean by expire? the notary seals and appostilles?
I have read (here and elsewhere) that many (perhaps all) of the documents must be recent, i.e., not more than 90 days old at time of filing.
This makes a lot of sense in regard to some -- what good is a five-year-old police report?
Check this out more, because I don't have personal experience and I'm just repeating what I've read.

What I'm talking aboutis should I get a new official birth certificate from my home state. Am told to get multiple copies because they will want an original. I see your point about criminal record and just to be safe think I will bring it with me. Have read a lot on the visa sites but the rules change all the time so it might be good to at at least chat with or email the lawyer who the a lot of expats vouch for closer to the time I will be coming. Thanks for your feedback
Listen, simply apply in yoour home state for your criminal record. Ecuador only requires it be for the last 5 years BUT, good old USA towns send everything they have on you from the time they first discovered you via the arrest records and dates.
The good news is you only give the state your current address and full name. Supplying the SS # is an option so don't supply it. They'll run you down based upon your name and address and reply to you with what they find. Again Ecuador is looking for murderers, rapists, terrorists and really bad guys. You one of them? If so, stop looking into this or any other country to gain entry. Like most SA countries they no longer wish to fight the American "DRUG WAR" so don't fret any conviction on this one unless you'e like Pablo or similar.
When it's all said and done a 5 year state only history is required which must be notarized and apostilled.
Send me an e mail and make certain to put in the topic area Visa material requested. That insures I'll open it and attach the top secret doc with it's 1 page of requirements clearly spelled out removing all the intrigue.
All documents collected have a 90 day only allowance period for submission. If it's older then this you're going home to get new and inside the 90 day period.
Send me the personal email and all will be cleared up. Anyone else who replies for this follow exactly what I said to be in the topic area. If not you get the big D immediately." Visa material requested" No need for the quote brackets.
Use this address
Yes Ecuador has different Expat Visas......right into a Cedual Card which is a Residental Visa for 10 yrs which is nice. You have a If over 65 you can get this Cedual Card now you have to have your paper work in order seals, aposelted , and dated, birth cert. names original, passport original, divorced papers docket number and sell original, You will need 5 year criminal record seal, aposel dated, update your license in America because you wont be back, and register to vote now if your interested less complicated. Now You know you need prove for you income from SS office on their letter head I went down to the office and picked mine up. Now this is my case I cancelled my Medcare cover just the one part the part they charge me the other I let alone the one they don't charge me I left in place ha. They were spend way to much of my money,. It increased my money. I got health care here cheaper.
You will have to turn all the papers your going to use into Spanish but they like the Spanish here better..
I think I answered all your questions
50% off of planes
you can get back any tax you pay if you have a Cedula Card and you use it you will get all the tax you pay out back it is quite nice for seniors very nice up to $190.00 a month now you would have to spent buy a lot of items but it is nice. But think about this cabe tx or other tx any where let say you buy a dryer that you can get back it can add up its nice.
Now you have a choice of Health Ins. $73.00 any hosp 80% good prescript some will pay on drug
Or government ins which is so so I have heard so complaints $110. mo 100% wow but only their government hosp. Now Bus if you get card and picture you pay $ .12 for bus....If you just walk on $ .25
smmr wrote:Yes Ecuador has different Expat Visas......right into a Cedual Card which is a Residental Visa for 10 yrs which is nice.
The cedula is not a visa.
smmr wrote:You have a If over 65 you can get this Cedual Card
Age has nothing to do with it.
smmr wrote:You have a If over 65 you can get this Cedual Card
Age has nothing to do with it.
Is it true that even small kids are issued cedulas?
sorry your right my young husband has one but it does not do him any good but it did help to get him back into the country and it is like a SS but he keeps say it is not but they treat it like one.
So the Cedula Card is a resident Card id card that lasts you 10 years, some gringos think it is like a SS Card you say it is not a visa or a SS Card. What is it techniqically please? Help me? Do you need a another Visa? Do you need a Resident Card?
like my brother has been a busy boy to say and if they wanted his complete criminal report his the time he was 18 I don't think we could carry it.
Now his last 5 yr would be a sing song crimal report you would think he was an angel of God,,,
But I not sure he could get a passport but knowing him he could go any where.
He would probably like only the last five years preferred.
They were not asking for criminal reports two years ago...Interesting. My husband has one done for only five year but done two yrs he could have been bad for two year I will have ot tell him.
After a while you get bunchy trying to stay straight and doing the paper work when you are my age that is why I hire people and paid the bucks and did not worry just walked through the line.
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