Just returned from Malta
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I have just returned from Malta on the 4 June 2013, what a nice time I had over there, it is very clean on the streets and not a lot of unfinished buildings going on.
I was in an area called Quara ,there is a lovely coastal road and nice seating areas over looking the sea .
The bus service is excellent and you can buy a day ticket for 2.60 euro or I think it was 12 euro for a week ..the buses ( Blue) are new and the company is called Arriva .
Well done Malta for the nice streets ..
Hi elimay,
Nice to know you liked that that much
I actually just moved to Malta to live here since about 2 months ago. I really like Malta too and I think it's a nice place to live and to raise a son, as I have a 4 years old boy.
Now, in regards to the bus service, it's ok but I would not say it's excellent I have talked with few Maltese people about the bus services (Arriva) and honestly, did not receive one single complement about it.
I have to say that I already had at least 2 arguments with 2 of the Arriva bus drivers. They drive the buses as if they were in some sort of racing and when they decide to break, they don't care if there are children or elderly people on board. Once, my son got injured in one of the buses coz as we were standing up to go towards the exit, the bus driver broke so hard that my son bang his head onto one of the windows, causing some injury. I have also seen other children getting injured in the buses, and I am not making up.
I am not saying they all bad, but many of them are. I could mention few other thinks I also experienced with Arrive but there's no point. I am happy to know that your experience in Malta was good.
elimay wrote:I have just returned from Malta .....and not a lot of unfinished buildings going on.
Was it Malta, Europe you visited ? In 10 years here, I've never seen so many unfinished properties
i have to concur with GnG and Mantonas - sorry but the bus service is anything but fantastic and as for unfinished buildings (unsold too) they are everywhere.
love the country though
georgeingozo wrote:elimay wrote:I have just returned from Malta .....and not a lot of unfinished buildings going on.
Was it Malta, Europe you visited ? In 10 years here, I've never seen so many unfinished properties
Very true GnG. Every time a get a bus to go somewhere here in Malta, I see plenty of old abandoned and unfinished buildings all around.
Glad you liked it
So many unfinished buildings and derelict ones all over the island, but not on the qawra coast road, you wont find any there!!!! Come to bugibba where i live its unbelievable dogs mess everywhere rubbish everywhere eyesores of buildings open drainage rats etc etc i could go on but i wont,makes you wonder really why i chose to live here l.o.l. maybe its because i have such good maltese friends who are appalled as much as i am i might add that keeps me here. There help and friendship is second to none, if it wasnt for them maybe i would consider moving on, cos lets face it malta is a great country, and if the powers that be got there act together it could be an even better place. Maybe i will have to go around wearing blinkers :-)
I am wondering if it was Malta USA you visited or what colour sunglasses you were wearing. If you are commenting on the mainland then I cannot agree with anything you commented on! Sorry but that's how I see it. 70,000 empty properties on the islands and still building more!!! Dog mess everywhere too. Buses that do not run on time, drive past stops even when hailed, drivers who drive with children on their knees, (see local press), use their mobile phones and generally don't give a s**t for customer's comfort.
All the above is why we live on Gozo and love it.
Oh, I just realised, you were writing 'tongue in cheek' right?
Unfortunately, I couldn't agree more with you redmik, specially in regards to the bus services. I can honestly say that there isn't hardly one day that I use the buses and I do not have a go with one of the bus drivers for doing something utterly reckless or stupid. I have lived in other countries previously but I have never seen such a disorganized, unreliable, disrespectful and careless bus service as here in Malta. I am sorry if I am being a bit too harsh, but that's how I feel.
I have lived in Malta for 24 years and I can assure you that it is vastly improved compared to what it used to be. To those whingers here please try to be constructive and do as I do...get involved in making improvements voluntarily. Its a great place to bring kids up. 4 of mine were here and have all done extremely well around the world.
If life here irritates you so much then you do not have to stay.
sjan wrote:I have lived in Malta for 24 years and I can assure you that it is vastly improved compared to what it used to be. To those whingers here please try to be constructive and do as I do...get involved in making improvements voluntarily. Its a great place to bring kids up. 4 of mine were here and have all done extremely well around the world.
If life here irritates you so much then you do not have to stay.
I see you are not shouting this time, thank you.
I think you mistake critical observation and comment for whinging.
Also if you read other posts by those who you seem to think are whinging then you will see that they are the most supportive of cultural integration and supporting their new communities.
Please also remember that many of us left university some time ago and do not need lectures any more.
And some of us have been associated with these islands for over 40 years and seen many changes, not all for the better in our humble opinions.
Hi sjan,
Before commenting on any topic, please try to read the previous posts, ok? Where did you read here that i.e in my case, that I wrote "I did not like living here". Just because I like Malta generally, does not mean that I have to agree with things I don't like and that could be better. Malta is a nice place but it's not perfect, as there are no perfect places.
And btw, ask the Maltese people what they think about Arriva and I will assure you that 90% off the people will give a negative feedback about them. Of course not everything is bad with Arriva, there are good drivers, buses that arrive on time, drivers that care about the passengers and do not use mobile phones while driving, etc...but unfortunately, that's a minority.
well said Mantonas and Red...
Well said montanas and red, i also agree with sjan when he said malta has improved of course it has improved, but as far as getting involved voluntarily believe me i have tried. I have been known to sweep the road where i live and collect all the rubbish lying around on a number of occasions. I even contacted the coucil once and asked them for a job but got no reply. It was constructive critiscm from me not whinging, i just feel that it is a shame that the local council dont do more for the area. When you go to melliha you see a vast difference so much cleaner. As i said in my previous post i have a lot of good friends most of whom are maltese, its when you see things like i did the other day when i was walking to the shop it infuriates me, and this was a maltese man walking his dog the dog had a s--t and the man produced a plasic bag out of his pocket, and i thought great at least he is picking it up, and to my horror he picked it up tied the bag and threw it over on to the other side of the street absolutely unbelievable, i was so shocked i didnt know what to do or say. The coucil need more bins around the area and have the road sweepers come everyday especially in a built up touristy area not to me thats not to much to ask is it and i am not whinging. I am sure residents and tourists alike would prefer to have a cleaner environment to live and holiday in. The only thing i do whinge about is the authorities when contacted do not have the decency to acknowledge you.I could say a few things about the buses but i wont cos then it will sound as if i am the proverbial whinger :-)
On that note i wish you all a good day.
gaily58 and(some) others. I feel we have to remember that we are or rather, were, used to different standards.
We paid Council Tax!
As for contacting a council out here, my experience informs me that one has to attend in person.
Also, a lot of the rubbish around is due to some people not leaving their rubbish out in strong enough bags, not tying them properly and not hanging them out of reach of the cats that rip them open. We have an 8ft hanging post outside our apartment block for our rubbish sacks and if used correctly, works.
Oh a PS or 3.............
Volunteering, see here:
and from
http://www.gooverseas.com/volunteering- … m-websites
For people interested in volunteering with refugees in Malta, there are several ways to get involved. The most well known organizations in the refugee network, the Jesuit Refugee Service and the Maltese Red Cross, provide the most opportunities, but aren't the only programs to work with. Students at the University of Malta have access to a network of volunteer placements through a program called DegreePlus (not all are refugee related) which recognizes volunteer work for credit. Additionally, a recently formed student NGO called Get Up Stand Up has opportunities for students interested in "spreading awareness about human rights and campaigning for improved inter-cultural relations". They have created several projects to improve living conditions for immigrants in Malta, such as setting up a library in the Marsa Open Center and organizing soccer matches.
I might be wrong but I was once informed, that the pavement in front of your house is your responsibility, to keep clean and wash, I don't know if this is true or perhaps it was once but no longer???
I know that to be true, in tradition. But law? I don't think so, except in Germany, particularly keeping it clear during inclement weather.
its hardly going to work here with the vast amount of apartment blocks.... and double maisonettes etc
toonarmy9752 wrote:its hardly going to work here with the vast amount of apartment blocks.... and double maisonettes etc
Agreed but in Germany we agreed on a rota basis.
Can't see that happening here either but I do clean this blocks areas on Sunday mornings.
we have a cleaner does it all...... all in the rate
IMHO the reason for mostly of the rubbish we see on the pavements, it's not only coz of the quality of the bin bags that people use, but more due to the fact that some people, instead of putting them outside in the morning before its collection, they leave them out on the night before. So, no matter how strong the bin bags are, there will gonna be the case that the cats will rip them off during the night.
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