
Hiya - UK Girl who is thinking of life in Sharm El Sheikh


Hi all.

Im Caz 30 and from the UK. 

I have been to sharm 3 times and have a 4th stay planned for November. 

With support from my family I am seriously thinking about relocating to Sharm.

why I hear you cry.   Well my mother said so herself....  When I am in Sharm it' like I become the person I was always met to be.  I am happy and at ease. I know I few people who I am lucky enough to call friends who are Egyptians and noooo they are not after my money or body :)

I know living in Egypt will cause head aches due to cultural clashes.   But I think I am tough enough to ride stuff out and overcome it.

I will have income from property rentals but would like to find some work to.

Looking for constructive and realistic advice, stories and friends.

Many thanks


See also

Living in Sharm el Sheikh: the expat guideNew in Sharm el SheikhSharm El-Sheikh TripNew trip to sharm Elsheikhtrip to Sharm El-Sheikh !!!

First of all, Welcome to!
What kind advise or story you want to know?
I bought a small box of biscuits today, it cost me about 43 ponds! Not culture but "food shocking". And it's Not taste good! I mean it looks normal and among other 10\ 15 ponds cookies. Supermarket, well play!
Red bull 14 pounds?! Of course, not all expansive, some I thought expansive, but it's cheap, some I thought cheap but the price is insane. New, different, interesting, just a place for explorer.
well, that's my story for today.........

Caty in Cairo

Donysisi wrote:

I bought a small box of biscuits today, it cost me about 43 ponds! ....

Hahahaha, what kind of biscuits are these? Funny ones? :D

No, seriously, look for the local products - for both the price and the freshness. Some of the local biscuits are really awful but some are really really nice. And that applies to a lot of other products...


Omar Alfarouk

Hi Caz,
Would appreciate helping,,,
Contact me


Hello i am hanna nice to meet you. I am moving to egypt in august. SHARM, i have alot of friends in egypt British and Egyptian. Happy to help add me on skype hannah.waring2 :)


Hi, you will be welcome in Sharm........but, you have said you will have income from properties.....that is if you are very lucky.   Sharm is now a dead city as tourists are not coming and those that do stay in GOOD hotels and rarely go outside, so local economy is in crisis.  Eg;    yesterday Chicken up by 15 le per kilo since last week.!!!!    One example of what,s happening.   Water for drinking now 15 le for 6 litre   doubled in price.
Political situation is very bad and we expect a great deal of trouble on 30th June and it will spread from cairo to here, to the extent that we fully expect south Sinai to be isolated.  The Bedouins are working hand in glove with Islamists, so no produce will arrive in Sharm for at least 5 days, and it is start
of Ramadan on 7th July. so everyone is worried about what is going to happen.
There are many things you need to consider before you move, and you say you have Egyptian friends...this is good, but they will change when you come to live here.   You are at risk of being reeled in by them as s lot of men are predators, especially towards someone new ....great difference between being on holiday and being a resident. We have few good guys in Sharm now.!!!!   Luckily, I am married for a long time to a good one, whom I met in U.k.
I have lived in Sharm for many years and am a teacher.  My contract has NOT been renewed this year as 'foreigners ' are being actively discouraged from jobs.  And unless you are Russian, German , teenager or early twenties without a brain, there are very few jobs available.
So, please think very hard before taking such a huge step,,,as I say you will be welcome and you can keep in touch with me if you wish, but be VERY careful. Come see me in November and we can discuss and I can show you the REAL Sharm.
Best of luck,


Fatma - I really appreciate your reply.

Every thing you have raised is a valid concern and things i am baring in mind.

What ever the future holds for me I will not be deciding it on a whim, I can assure you.

I am very much aware of the predators out there and because of the political situation this will be something that will only get worse as things progress.  Luckily I know the handful I have   
(these people number less than my fingers on one hand)  Are not these people.

And the job situation does concern me. 

Fatma maybe we can meet in November.   Please i would like to reassure you that my ideas at the moment are just that, ideas. And are very likely to change :).

Best wishes to you.



don't burn any boats - if the 30th Jube goes off as many people think (over 7 million people have signed the petition to get rid of the president) then the country will go from bad to worse.

the few tourists that are coming will stay away.
the price of things genrally - food especially will rise again, and will rise anyway if the president manages to get the IMF loan - there are strings attached to this.

Foreigners are being discouraged and it is getting harder and harder to get work / work visas.
And trust me - to live on a 'local' wage as the prices rise is not going to be fun.


Yes i know biffy.  Its just such a shame - As Egypt and her people are beautiful.  Just really hope the phrase " things get worse before they get better" is the case for you.


I have lived in the niddle east for a long time.
I have been travelling to Egypt since I got married in 1999 and the country has really changed - and for the worse.

There are things I did when I first came and styed in Cairo by myself then - that I really wouldn't dream of doing now.

And as for beautiful people - yes there are some - but they are getting fewer and fewer and the survival instinct is taking over.

When oyu have a huge portion of the population that lives below the poverty line - what else should they do.
Huge unemployment, the islamifiaction ofthe country (to worry about for the future) and a huge and growing population - doesn't make for good reading.
Add to that a large proportion of the population who don't understand what a democracy is then you have a problem.
And yes it is going to get (is already getting worse) - but it wll be a long long time before it gets better.


I wish if  I could say something other than that all  what was posted is true. However, I still have some hope that things will get better even after that long ng long time as biffy said.

Stay safe all.


Habebe, thanks for reply.   And don,t bother booking are welcome to stay with me if you would like.   I don,t like the idea of you being on your own and a virtual stranger here.   Life is so much different between tourists and residents, and as another person said, prices are going up...and DAILY now.  There ain,t no such thing as minimum wage here.!!!1   I saw 2 new beggars across the street from where I live today, and one of those had a taxi for a long time.  Car was wrecked in crash and he can,t go home with no money for wife and kids.   Behing EVERY Mosque and Church, there are people sleeping at night......we all try to help each other as best we can , but there is now a shortage of most everything today and it is gonna get a lot worse.   Everybody sooo worried about end of this month and what may happen.   I am supposed to travel to uk on 7th July for 3 weeks and have to wait to see what happens....will get out for sure....back in may be the problem.!!!!
Keep in touch please and don,t do anything rash.!!!


Welcome to Egypt and I hope you will enjoy your stay :)

If you need any help drop a line and I'm sure many people will be here for you!

Have pleasant day.


Really im glade to hear you Hiya wanna relocate to sharm , actually very rare ppl of this world would understand ur freedom point of view, and u will meet alot of "take care " , "you shouldn't do "  and alot :-)  is very precious as i dream to do something such like brave and strong   to get out the traditions prison .
just enjoy ur time i wish good luck for you and welcome to egypt