
how long can i stay before i need id

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hi everyone
im now in malta.and in the process of sorting out id card and residency.i know i can be here as a tourist for 3 months but what happens if by that time id and resedincey has not been sorted out.would i have to leave or am i allowed to stay till sorted.thnaks in advance for any replys to my question.

See also

Resident and work permit for MaltaMalta Citizenship by investmentVisas for MaltaObtaining an e-Residence card in MaltaIs there a way of staying on a renewable visa

This site will give you all the information you need if you are an EU passport holder. … dex_en.htm

All you need to do is start the process of residency ie go in person to the office with your documents and they should issue you with the temp permit(there is a sticky at the top of the page that covers what forms etc you need).
There are loads of EU citizens living in Malta who have never bothered to register, if you don't bother it will cost you more to live in Malta and you will get non of the services that are available to residents but I have never heard of anyone being removed because they are not residents.



cant say i have even heard of anyone who has been fined for non compliance - as thats is still possible


thanks for your reply terry .yes very helpful and i want to do the right thing in being here legaly to benefit form the things you said.


thanks for your reply toon very much appriceated.


there are literally hundreds who never bothered with id cards in the first place and even more who never got their residency i wouldnt worry too much. you do have a legal right to be here - and i am pretty sure that if it came down to it they couldnt enforce the card thing. or throw you out. i d love to see them try


thanks Toon.thats put my minde at rest.


toonarmy9752 wrote:

- and i am pretty sure that if it came down to it they couldnt enforce the card thing. or throw you out.

According to EU law, they cant throw you out, but they can fine you (€ 300 I believe) for not applying for the residence card


ps your obligation isn't to get the card within 3 months, but to apply for it within three months.


you cant be held responsible for the delays in the "dept" for issues of cards permits.


toonarmy9752 wrote:

you cant be held responsible for the delays in the "dept" for issues of cards permits.

absolutely, although if you are non EU (and not EU family member) its different


am sure it is GnG - its wholely inadequate for the non eu people - its bad enough for EU but for non EU its a nightmare and very worrying. an ill conveived and thoughtless plan of implementation.


non EU/EEA have no legal right to live here, so its their responsibility to get it sorted in time, which at the moment is extremely difficult


ok thanks georgein gozzo


thanks again for your answear toonarmy9752.

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