Newbies Meetup ?!

Hey guys,
I just moved to Cologne a week ago. I'm looking for people who like to get in touch and maybe go for coffee or a beer. I'm German but I used to live in the UK and I miss talking English and having foreign people around me. The German locals are ok most of the times but I'd love to get to know more people from other countries and I especially miss some good banter.

If you guys feel the same, let me know.


cheers n welcome !

I understand you am eddy leaving in Essen am long here originaly am from Kenya but now i leave and work here mail me at [email protected] hope to hear from you soon

Hallo Monia,

klingt gut! Ich komme aus DE, habe viele Jahre in Amsterdam gelebt, arbeite nun als Designer in Köln. Falls sich mal ein English-Speaking-Meetup ergibt – ich würds klasse finden! Let me know.

Beste Grüße, David

Hello David,

Could you please stick to English language as it's the English version of the forum? :)

Thank you,

Feel free to email me [email protected]
I'm looking for new interesting people around here!! I feel the same, even though my German is good enough (not native), I miss speaking English 24/7.