
Thinking of relocating to Romania from USA to start buissness

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Hi i am from myrtle beach SC USA and thinking of relocating to bucharest or maybe aisi.Right now i am self employed computer webmaster but have alot of experience in the Restuarant/Culinary fields.How difficult is it to open a buissnss in romania if you are from USA? What kind of buissness would you suggest for an American to open in Romania? I do have friends from romania that would be able to translate and help me with this possbile venture as i only speak english.

Also what kind of opportunities are there for a romanian relocating to the USA and where can i find classified jobs in USA for Romainians? Thanks

See also

Living in Romania: the expat guideMobile Phone - SIM or ESimCost of living in Romania in 2025How to adapt to the expat challenges of everyday life in RomaniaRentals with pets

I've been in US a few times, (in Ca, Fl, NY, Co...)
What you can find in romania?????
Dirty streets, ugly buildings, just 300 km highway... many people hwo swearing when they are walking on the streets or driving by car...
if you are lucky, they can turn off the light when you want to have a dinner with somebody(how romantic... if you have candles), or you have to wait for a month to melt the snow (nobody will cleen the streets)...
i can tell you more....
and about having a bussines in romania?
forget about it... unles you are smart or gangster and give a lessons to romanian "busines man" who will pay the contract in a few years...(if their company will exist so long)



If in fact you are Romanian then you are a disgrace to this country are you lonely, frustrated or had a bad childhood? keep your comments to yourself stop misleading people!


MyrtleBchGuy wrote:

Hi i am from myrtle beach SC USA and thinking of relocating to bucharest or maybe aisi.Right now i am self employed computer webmaster but have alot of experience in the Restuarant/Culinary fields.How difficult is it to open a buissnss in romania if you are from USA? What kind of buissness would you suggest for an American to open in Romania? I do have friends from romania that would be able to translate and help me with this possbile venture as i only speak english.

Also what kind of opportunities are there for a romanian relocating to the USA and where can i find classified jobs in USA for Romainians? Thanks

I suppose,since you mentioned restaurants,an american restaurant would be the answer to your question.But then,wouldn't an american know how to spell business??

As for the classified jobs for romanians,wouldn't that be illegal since a job has to be available for anybody that is entitled to work,regardless of their race,nationality..


if you like to do something big, positively, legally, mail me. feel free. please

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