
5-a-side football - you guys might call it soccer!

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I am new to Kuwait (from the UK) this is my second week.  I haven’t played 11-a-side or 5-a-side football for a few years but keen to get back into some football.  Anyone who is interested or can point me in the right direction it would be much appreciated.


See also

Leisure activities in KuwaitRoller Blading in SalmiyaAre there Dance Rehearsal Studio for Rent?If you want to play Soccer/Football, register here.Tennis class in Boulevard Salmiya

Hi Nick,

Sounds like you are settling in well in Kuwait!!

I will be joining you next week so please keep me updated on any info you get in response to your post!

Even though the legs are getting older still enjoy a game :)



Have been here 5 weeks now and am missing my fix of a kickaround. If you find anything let me know....otherwise it looks like we're 3/5's of a way to our own 5-a-side team already.


I'm sure we could get another 2!!!

But please don't put me in goal :(


Come on there must be another 2!!

I have some leads to follow up at work so will let you know how I get on


you should try asking here on Facebook :)


I would be interested to join u sometime if its a gd timing


If schedule allows, I'm willing.


Played my first game since arriving.

Astro pitch in Salmiya!
Two size's of pitch's.
We were on the smaller pitch and played 6-a-side.
Started at 9 and played 90 mins and it was very hot!!!

Keep all informed.


Hello Nick,

Sounds good idea !  I have been in Kuwait for 4 weeks now and i am looking forward practicing football
Here. Please let me know the schedule if possible !

Many Thanks


i am willing to join...let me know when you scheudle a meet

Joss B

hi Nick.

My name is José from Spain did you find any people to playing
I am very busy working but sometime and weekend I would like practice other sport and know new people.

have a good day.


Hi Nick,

Any news about next game !


Seyed Shoyeb

i have no idea but some others know



Games scheduled for Friday morning at 8 in Salmiya !

PM if you are interested!!!


Joss B

hi Carl.

i am José thank you but I have break my car down but
may be the next weekend



Hi Jose,

Good to hear from you!

Let me know if you are interested?



Hi Grayline,

I'm in , as you im new in Kuwait and I wanna play football as well. Please contact me.


HI Carl,

I'm in , let me know the schedule please.

contact me please PM


Hi everyone

I'm from south africa and would love to play as well


We'll soon have enough for 6 or 7 aside!!

I think Carl / the other guys are working on getting a pitch sorted for this weekend



This is my cell number: 97257116
or write to me on


hey guys! is there a schedule for a next game?
whats the age range by the way?


Hey guys!

Game planned on Sunday night at 8 in Salmiya. Send me your email I will let you know details when all sorted!!

In response to the question about age range, well there are a couple of young Maradona's but then, like me, a couple of old Madonna's ;)



my email is


I still waiting for an email telling me the time and the placr


Let me know your email and I will keep you informed of a regular game at Shaab Park. Rgds Carl

sameh_fouad and this is my cell phone 666-06-256



We usually play close to Shaab park. The field is suited for 5 aside, Mondays and Wednesdays 8-9 pm. We'd like to find a few players that can commit to playing regularly. We're all in early to mi 40s. If you're interested in joining or playing with/against let me know. We're usually short on players. We're different nationalities and having varying levels of skill but we all love football.



I already sms Carl and confirmed that im in. Wednesday is suitable to me.

I live in Salmiya but first time to me to play soccer in Kuwait as I was playing regularly in my home :)

adel khattab

Hey guys,
Is this still on ? I am to have a kick around, I so is there any chance you guys are still playing ?


Hi guys, I know this post is a little old but thought I would try anyway. I arrive in kuwait next week and am very interested in playing football, 5-aside or 11, don't mind!
If anyone of you still plays and fancies a new player please get in touch! Cheers, Luke


I'm in also


if this still on sign me up:p

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