
Buying a used car in Ecuador (classifieds)

Alberta Chris

I'm looking for a car to tie me over until I get my Canadian car here I have looked around for an old beetle, the older the better and the body condition does not matter as I will be chopping it apart for a project once I can import my own car. I hve tried Mercado Libre and Craigslist and found a suitable car in Cuenca but its not ideal and it's 500 kms awy from Valle De Los Chillos where I am. While I am Canadian and don't mind a bit of a drive I would like to find something a little closer. Do you guys know of any other classifieds either online or in print??

Thanks a bunch,


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I'm curious to know how you will get your Canadian car there?

Alberta Chris

It would be sea freight from Florida but I just got some info from a family friend and it seems like I won't be able to import the car as I will need to have my citizenship for one year before I can do this.  Even though my wife has permanent residency in Canada and could import a vehicle she is now ineligible because she has been back in the country for more than 60 days.  It is a very frustrating situation to say the least because now I have to fly back to Florida and then drive back to Canada to sell my car only to turn around and fly back here and buy a car or truck at these ridiculous prices.

I have been told that I can ship the car to Colombia via a RO/RO sea freight shipper and drive it to Ecuador as a tourist but that I would have a stamp on my Passport stating this and that I would not be able to fly out of the country after that.


If I can be of any assistance, please let me know.  Have you considered a motorcycle that you could purchase there?  I realize that it is not good for transporting items, at the same time, it would be a great way of getting around for yourself.

Alberta Chris

Yeah I hve considered a motorcycle but the bikes here are less than adequate for me and I have a family here too. Just sick of canning it or asking for rides or to borrow a vehicle. I'm pretty self sufficient and don't like that sort of thing. I was looking for a beetle because I want to chop the roof and make a hot rod out of it. My plan was to bud it and sell it when my other vehicle is here but that's sort of up in the air now. Looks like we may buy new now and then pay off te loan when we sell our Tiguan in Canada.