Help with internet connection please


I have not been able to access my bank's website for over a week.

Maybe there is a problem with my computer, or my internet provider (VNPT).

Coould you please try to access this website:

and let me know if you can access it?

Many thanks in advance.

For a start, you have too many 'w's.

I used a VPN that terminates in the UK and still could not access it. Could from Hong Kong, though.

I have now accessed it via Germany < >

Here's a part of the first page:

Des services pour gérer vos comptes, des dossiers pratiques et des offres pour vous accompagner dans vos projets : découvrez nos solutions pour les particuliers.

It works using

maximus, your bank website popped right up for me. (SPT in district 7, no special filters, proxy, or VPN)

The problem is with VNPT - I called their Commercial Account Help Desk and they said they can''t doing anything until tomorrow. Try FPT connected cafes - KFC uses FPT.

Hello all.

To note that some off topic posts have been moved.
Can you please come back to the initial topic?

PS: Do not hesitate to start a new thread if you want to discuss another subject. ;)

Thank you,