What a terrible day! It was one of the worst weather days in Gibraltar for a very long time. Our daughter and family were scheduled to arrive around 2.00 p.m. today [Thursday] on easyjet. Having watched land what we think was an Andalucian flight we thought that the easyjet coming in straight after would be 'a piece of cake'. No such luck. On the first run we heard it roar away without even seeing it. On the second run we saw it approaching on what appeared to be the wrong line i.e. too far to the north and consequently too close to the terminal building. It seemed that the pilot saw this on emerging from the cloud and decided that he/she was off for Malaga. Scary stuff. Anyway they arrived by coach about 4 hours later. Spent the intervening period at The Convent Christmas Fair and then on to King's Bastion for tea. When they finally arived they were all very hungry so we ate in The Barbary Bar at The Rock Hotel. Food was excellent as usual. Everyone ate well. Waiting staff were great. Bill was not bad given that there were 8 of us. This the first visit to Gibraltar for a long time by our grandchildren. They were all very excited and their initial impressions were good even though the weather was lousy. Let us see what the week-end brings.
Glad to hear all ok. I also hear pilots have to have additional training to land on Gib. I had one of my worst landing at EMA in January, but obviously I lived to tell the tale. Well done pilot, enjoy your family ex pat. Hoping to be an ex pat soon.