
Personal turkish male message

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İ am living here in Istanbul together with my boyfriend
İ am kindly asking turkish men not to send
private message asking where I  live or to meet up.
unless you are replying to an advice questions
you are Turkish, and i am sure you understand
the importance of my request

have a nice day


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If "Somone harass you on the phone" in Istanbul

For all those women, who are getting annoyed with harassing by some guys who try to disturb you by calling from unknown numbers, please be aware that you can call your network operator and ask for blocking any phone calls from unknown numbers. Its out of charge and they recommend it for everyone. In the same time, when they keep on trying, they are informed by the network operator that calling from unknown number is forbidden and if they keep on trying more then 3 times, they can get blamed to be disturbing somebody's rest.

Moreover if you already block unknown numbers, but you are still getting annoyed by someone whose number display on your phone, you can report it to Cağlayan Adliyesi
and they take proceeding very quickly & catch those guys very fast.


Hello jennifer50.

Please, do not hesitate to click on the Report button. Actions will immediately be taken. :)

Thank you,


what a silly thing is this!so males dnt send messages to females especially the Turkish men.and is so strange that every female expat has a Turkish bf how lucky they are.its like put a ring on ur finger even u r not married and make other thought that u r taken empty things and besides in this website or forum there are many fake users who uses female fotos to give fake informations...


I'm sure someone is going to misread the title of this topic and start sending you offers for a "Personal Turkish Male Massage."

Get ready :p


well if the person get the message wrong than the subject is will become being pervert or other could happen to you before but this doesnt mean that everyone is same.If you have the right for putting people in same situation than they might think that you are the same like an easy woman.Nothing will happen if you dont want that person.If you dont want any messages so why you are signed here?Like every forum it is normal that kind of private messages.


ok whatever.always same things so no need to make this long.


asethi 1313..thank you for the great advice....

you are you are my hero, you did so great for standing up for us
woman. i love everything about you comments
I couldn't have explain any better...


I  add 2 wonderful male from expat to my facebook friends list, they both very nice gentlemen., knows so much about Istanbul and are always willing to give advice, also help with friendly translation and other important information when ask.
Which is the main reason for me to join Expat, I also have a few very nice ladies to my facebook.

Expat ısn't a dating site for send woman a one line sentence asking where they live.....


get the messages whichever u like.u become paranoiac with the messages i think.anyway have a good day.


being ignorant!..that's the word..well said annascosmos ;-)


that was fun  reading all comments but i dont have experince with turkish guys asking my address but i had more bad experince with turkish men being impolite :)


Annascosmos, you are the best, Cong.



i think ladies are right ,
i do remember the time that i was there with my girlfriend and in any street careless about uptown or downtown they gaze at my girlfriend with a buyers dirty eyes , they do not even see me by her side , and i got annoyed just like my girlfriend and feel pitty about this fact that although istanbul has lots of tourist but they do not know how to behave


right !


Guy1707 wrote:

Interesting comments :
1. Mens are not like women and sorry to break any dreams but we will never be like women. And this is a reality of all the World.
2. Regarding private message : what s wrong to ask , you can just answer something like/or “NO” and finished , if not just block or report it. Why it is so complicated ? Why it should be forbidden for Mens to ask ? Because it s a private message made this message to suspicious

3. Daily life : I visited a lot of companies , workers,… and never see any issues with that. Sorry , yes I see an unexpected weddings with a secretary and a sales Director ;) 

3. Pinlike , sorry to hear that , but i travel to a lot of arabic countries and turkey is a paradise compared. Such situation you could get it in Italy, Spain, Greeks , and all tourist places…
In Egypt or other Arabic countries,  this happen every 20 minutes and they don t care if you re married. they try to touch your wifes on the street…bad eyes all the time on your wifes…. and without sending any private message….LOL

common man
its not quite wise that you call an everywhere problem as ok one,
i do agree that there is some worse cities than Istanbul but it doesn't mean that we are not going to fix it ,we have to start it somewhere. also myself as a man do not into this phrase that WE MEN ARE IN THIS WAY SOMEHOW! i would rather to keep on my human being instead ,


Boys, the problem is THIS IS NOT DATING SITE , get it?



harbinger wrote:

Boys, the problem is THIS IS NOT DATING SITE , get it?


totally right !


ons101 wrote:

One of the messages above (wont menton which one) is quite funny if you able to decipher the appalling grammar :D:D

No insulting please..

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