
family planning to move to istanbul with kids what is your advice??


Hi Everyone!

We are a Muslim expat family with kids and are thinking about moving to Turkey, and I am wondering what advice do you think would help us. All kinds of advice are welcome from housing to best places to live, buying a home verses renting, to schools anything helps. I would love to hear from you, and Thank you all in advance!!


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hello hafida,
yr profile reads that you live in canada. if so, dont event think about moving to turkey, you will be dissappointed.


Hi Borraro,

Thank you for your reply, but can you please elaborate on the disappointment that you mentioned? Are you Turkish native? do you have a family there?




I guess he refers the comparison between Canada and Turkey which is kinda irrelevant because one of them has very few job and business opportunities yet safe and more developed the other one has more potential because its a developing country. Its apples and oranges tbh


Thank you for the reply, I agree with what you said about comparing apples and oranges. Every place has its advantages and disadvantages. How do you find turkey in terms of education for kids?



Excuse my ignorants sir, can you enlighten us with you knowledge on these topics. Just out of curiosity what brought you to Turkey since you lived in Canada and the US too?



i m turkish. and i have been living in turkey since i was born except educational and professional life.
education and health system already collapsed in turkey.
turkey is not a developing country.
just follow up the foreign news broadcasts..


Hi Hafida,

I am not same idea with other friends. Turkey is a good country if you have money and afford yourself here. There are many beatiful and amazing holiday points . I accept that Canada has better oppurtunity for business and life standart but you can do what you want here..There are succesful schools if u have money. Be aware of that if u didnt collect money it is hard to live here becouse of economical conditions.

Take care


Hi Hafida
In my opinion Turkey is best Muslim country in the world at moment, Although my experience is limited but I have been there many times looking for schools for my children.
In my case I have big family so I couldn't afford private schools over there but if I can I wouldn't let my children to grow up in western countries.
So my advice to you is to visit there for good long holiday probably with children without committing to move especially in Izmir or Antalya as they are more cheaper than Istanbul or Ankara.
For schools, internet schooling can be an other option for about a year while they are learning Turkish language privately, one year is enough  for children to learn basic language then they can go to free public schools. 

I wish you best luck inshala


Thank you so much for your advice, we really appreciate it! I would like  pick your brain with some other questions in regards to the public school system there, can my kids be accepted in to the public education system in Turkey even if they are not Turkish citizens? Also about the internet schooling for the Turkish language, is there a specific program that I can purchase online for that? One last question and I'm sorry for intruding on your personal life, but just out of curiosity what made you not choose for the public sector and opted for the private instead (you can totally ignore this last question if you wish not to answer it)?

Thanks again!



Hi Hafida
I congratulate for your good intention to live in Turkey.
Public schools in Turkey accept non Turkish children with no condition at all but it is in Turkish language so it was not possible for me as my children can't speak Turkish.
Also your children will need to get used Turkish living environment before they start public school so I will say one year is enough for them to build local friends whom they can go together in same school.

For internet schooling is just like normal private schools in Canada and it costs  but cheaper than private schools all you need is internet and laptop for each child and you can do it anywhere in the world where internet is available you can Google them for more info.
Other option is to buy books of subjects you need and teach them with help of employing tutor for some subjects.
There is English school I visited in Antalya called ICCA it was $3000 per child five years ago with some discount for siblings I am not sure how much it is now, MEF school in Izmir is more Expensive both have website for current Information.
For me there was no chance financially as I have big family but still it is possible if my family are very serous about the idea of moving.

So my advice still is go for holiday with intention of moving and look around the possibilities and hopefully you will find something you will like, try to contact families who are there already.

May Allah make easy for all of us Inshala


Thank you so much for your reply, I will try to find families that have gone through this already; if you know any other platforms or groups that we can join that would be greatly appreciated.

We wish you all the best in your search as well and Thanks again.