
Salaam Aleikom, Marhaban, Hello

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I think I have to introduce myself here as well.
I am Primadonna and live for 6 years in Amman, Jordan.
Mostly I post on the Amman forum but a couple days ago, I found out that this is also exist :)
I see lots of post form Kuwait, SA and other countries but not from Jordan. Maybe I can change that ;)
And hopefully I can make some friends here as well.

See you later!

See also

Living in Jordan: the expat guideAny indians around ?American expat in Amman~need help with the work transitionAmerican expat in Amman~need helpUnapologetically asking you to be my friend

Hello Primadonna.

Your post has been moved to the Amman forum for better visibility.

You can browse through the different countries/forums on the Middle East forum and take contact with the members. :)

Thank you,


Hiii Primadonna,
Do you like living in Amman?
I bet you miss Europe :D.


Hi Hypertyper :D

If I do like living in Amman???
Well, if you've got the whole day then I can talk....

Yes, I do miss europe and more specific the Netherlands.
Because here are a lots of things that is not exist ore so much different. And that ofcourse is also when you look at the Netherlands and compare it with Jordan.


Hey,its great to see message from these days.
Well Primadonna,how are you ?
I am volky from Turkey.and I am here in Amman for 2 I have one more month.I came here for discovering culture and learning language.
I met with many people who is foreign but I need to speak with arabic people and improve what I learn.
thats why I need to do practice in Arabic,if you interest tell me please !
And if there anybody interest,please let me know .
Take care
Peace !


Hi supergezgin,

Even I live for 6 years in Amman, it doesn't know much Arabic.
I can have simply conversations, can go to the market and tell what I want and how much it will cost, but that is that.
So next month I finally start with a Arabic course at the University of Jordan. This is very intensive one because you study 20 hours a week, 5 days and 4 hours every day.

So I think that 3 months spending here in Jordan is not enough to learn Arabic, I'm afraid :/


Actually definetly you are right !
Surely known arabic is really difficult language,but I just want to learn conversation for routin life.I dont want to learn academic ! You know,I want to be tourist guide in my country and there are a lot of people from Arabic country.Thats why I just want to learn simple arabic.


Thats why you have to speak good Arabic and 3 months is not enough. My hubbie is also a tourist guide, Dutch speaking for Jordan. Before he can got to work he was testing about his Dutch language skills. Ofcourse, writing and reading is not importend for you but don't forget that tourist will ask you a lots of things and not only the history of your country :P


Aha well o.k.I gave up ! I am just trying to say I will take care about middle east tourist who knows english but I want to affect them with a couple of words from Arabic.I mena I want to look like familiar for them,thats why ! aha that was hard to explain :D One member already send me p.m.about helping eachother,if you interest you can join us,and people who are looking this page,please say,write something  and join us !


Oh well,in that case good luck then. :top:

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