
Krivoy Rog./ Kryvyy Rih

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Hi All,

I have possible job opportunity in Krivoy Rog./ Kryvyy Rih city in computer security in one of the biggest steel and mining company there. As i have no idea how is it to live there it will be great if you can give your helpful comments. My queries are as us under -

1. I have heard there is lot of pollution in this city and you may not be able to breathe good air.

2. There is lot of crime in the city so as expat you may not find it safe to live there?

3. Lots of racism if you are not white?

4. If you don't know Russian then i could be a problem in day to day life.

5. Possibility of decent apartments to stay on rent? How much could be the approx. cost?

6. Any malls nearby for daily groceries and stuff?

7. Vegetarian serving restaurants?

Any insights will be helpful.


See also

Living in Ukraine: the expat guideany foreigners left in Zhaporizhya ?Dating and finding love as an expat in UkraineAny Filipinos in Ukraine?Meeting English speakers in Kherson

Hello ... With all due respect, I will have to disagree with a lot of what you say about Kryvyi Rih. I am an American Expat living in Kyiv. I own some flats in Kryvyi Rih so I get down there quite often. I am also of Latin descent yet I am no more prejudiced here than in other cities. Pollution is an issue however, they are making massive strides in cleaning up this city. It is the second greenest city, after Kyiv, in Ukraine. Crime is crime. LA, where I was born has a very high crime rate, yet I never threatened. It is all about common sense. You do not walk down a dark alley at 2:00 AM yelling you are wearing a Rolex. Your company should supply you with a flat. If not, do not take the position. Apartment buildings are drab and usually in need of exterior paint. The design is of Stalin/Khrushchev era. However, as in the case of my flats, totally remodeled interiors along Western lines. Language barrier if you do not speak Russian or Ukrainian. However most under 30's have a fair knowledge of English. Many malls, Western chain stores, fast-food restaurants, etc. Vegetarian not a problem. Ukrainians are much more health conscious than say Americans. I do not know your nationality or ethnicity, but most Indians who visit, do not like this city or Ukraine. Same with many Asians. This is a modern city of close to 1 million. Buses, trams, and metro quite adequate. Streets are in bad condition. I would say it is not a bad place to live. However, if you do not have a very good reason I would not live in Kryvyi Rih. Should be ample opportunities in Kyiv or Odesa. Hope you take these insights seriously. I tried to be as Frank as possible.


Hi, thanks for you reply. Yes, i am from India. Any particular reason why they do not like it there?


I really do not know. Perhaps they just don't feel comfortable. My friend manages a hotel. She says that when Indians come on business, they just stay in the hotel and have all their meals on premises. The only time they leave is for business. I know an Indian company owns one of the mills in Kryvyi Rih, but I never see Indians out and about. I have met German and Swiss business men in the city. I also know a few gals who have married Germans. Many Western Europeans, especially Italians, come to Kryvyi Rih for dental work. In fact, tours are arranged primarily for this purpose ... Bests


Please read a pm I sent you. Thank you.


Ah ok...that is interesting information. Thanks for sharing.
I think ArcelorMittal is popular company there?


Sure they are. All I can say is if they are offering a position, I think you are selling yourself short. Package deals are available to qualified employees from credible companies. You also need to clarify your tax status, residency permit, etc. Who will pay. Re-locating to Ukraine is a time consuming process. So as we say in the States ... "CYA" ... "Cover your ass."



I have sent you a mail.. Pls read it and reply to me.



Well what i saw in the last 7 years that i live in Ukraine i can say that
1. Pollution problem exists.
2.Crime problem is not that high as you's average as in any other country.
3. racism exists but now a days it's not that much as was in Soviet Union so it's not a big issue.
4.Ukrainian or Russian Language is very very important because without these languages you will find it very difficult.
5.Flat on rent for one person of 1 room will cost not more than 400$.
6.Malls and  daily groceries etc is available every where without any problem.
7.Vegetarian serving restaurants are also easy to find.
i hope the above information was helpful to you.


Hi Ted, yes this information was very helpful. thank you very much.


I live in Kryvyi Rih all my life and if you need some detailed info just write me back.

It is really not so bad city as you all heard/read!!!


Hi ,
I am moving to Kryvyi Rih for 6 months in Jan . 2013 . I presently live in Miami , Florida . I have been to KR but for a very short time . I am looking for a nice furnished apartment for 6 months in the range of $350-450 a month . 
Thanks ;


I think that for this money you can find any apartment.


Hi all, i am coming to kiev for studies purpose i really dont have any idea before kiev but after red those question answers, i have a bit idea, but still have something in my mind that is it possible to find part time jobs like other countries ?? and if it possible then what kind of jobs are available and if someone have any idea regarding first time travel to keiv, please share here.


You are not allowed to legally work in Ukraine.


Thanks for your reply, but the thing is how someone can survive without job its not all about money sometime you are use too with part time jobs, i hope you got my point sir.


I am not a Ukrainian, I am an American. We have similar laws in the States. I believe you are from Denmark. I have been to your country many times as a tourist. You also have similar laws. Seems universal to me. Just remember, it is you you who desires to study in Ukraine. I am just trying to give you a pragmatic answer. Let reason be your guide, not emotion. In order to work here, you need a work visa. Then again, that would probably nullify your student visa. I would say you have a bit of a Catch-22 ... sorry to disappoint you.


Thanks for being honest, an other thing in my mind is, am i allow to start my own business on study visa ??like some waterpibe cafe, something like restaurant coffe shop?
and do you really think its good idea when you dont know the languge ?


You have to pay a bond if you want to start a business. I believe it is still a $US100,000. If you do that, you can pretty much do anything you want so long as you keep your nose clean and pay the tax rate of 42%. since you do not speak the language, my personal opinion is not whether your business will fail, but rather how fast it will fail. Myself, i speak both Russian and Ukrainian.


hmm ..are people doing black jobs there and is it good idea to do that or better stay in danmark :)


The world is a corrupt place no matter where you go. I guess the question is if you violate that country's laws, are you willing to go to prison? I do not know the law here well enough to tell you the penalty. I would hazard to guess that it is viewed on each individual basis. In the States we have a saying, "If you can't do the time, don't do the crime." Since the Internet is monitored by everyone's subject, I suggest you change the topic. Frankly, stay in Denmark. What is it you want to study here anyway. It is not exactly easy to get accepted into a Ukrainian University.


Ukrainians usually leave the country to earn money. no one wants to come back. Ukraine has no future.


hi there,

I have a few questions. Would appreciate if you could answer them :
I am getting a job oppurtunity at M/s Arcellor at Kryvyi rih.

I am a Engineer and have 15+ yr exp in Steel plants.

Meanwhile , I am gathering as much info I can , about Kryvyi Rih.

What I know, if I am selected , following to be provided by the co.
a) Furnished Family Accomodation.[Details not know]
b) Conveyance to Factory (Maybe Pool car /bus).
c) Basic Utilities - Gas / Elect / Water etc.
d) Local Taxes : Paid by Co.

I have a few questions from my side. I would appreciate if you could spare some time and reply to them .

1. Do you personnaly know anybody working in Mittal company.
2. If yes, then what is the feedback regarding the working culture, ethics , Pay Structure etc.
3. how far is the factory from city.
4. What may be the % / no of Indians staying in Kryvyi Rih.
5. If selected , I may shift with my Family (wife + 8yrs Daughter + 2 yrs Son ). Would it be a wise decision by me to shift with Family.
6. What is a Residency Permit.
7. My Daughter is studing in Std IV.
8. Is there good English Medium Schools - [ Maybe International Schools].
9. What may be the Cost of Eduction there.
10. What is the Standard of Living there or what would be the monthly expenditure for family of 4 [ Rough figure would do ].
11. What is available for local conveyance... taxi / bus / metro / tram.
12. How is the weather there -- During Winters especially.
13. Is there any other Taxes which are mandatory.
14. I know English . Would there be a Language barrier.

If you have any other points / advice to render me, I'll be obliged to do.

I would be waiting for your reply.

Thanks and Regards


Interesting questions you ask. I have business interests in Kryvyi Rich and potential Indian employees all seem to ask the same questions ... Why? Doesn't this company prepare its candidates for the move abroad? For this reason alone, I would be hesitant to accept employment. As for taxes, your company should pay all. As for this company, you are aware that it is a European combine and not a Ukrainian company. The working conditions are far better than that of India. I do have dealings with two other foreign companies in the city and l know the packages far exceed Metal Steel. However, the few Indians I have met feel everything is much better than in India. Do keep in mind that this is an industrial city and not a tourist city. However, Kryvyi Rih is a modern city and has all the amenities. Buses and trains are ample, and there is a metro. As for shopping, not a problem. Anything you want, can be found in the department stores. As for schooling, if your children do not speak Ukrainian and Russian, could be problem. There is a German, Hebrew, and International School. All have websites and can better answer your questions. I have Also invested in a chain of English language schools. However, at this point, you will definitely have a problem communicating. As for winter, I am from Los Angeles. For me, it was very cold as I am not used to snow. Just my opinions, the decision is now yours.


hi can i ask where you have your language schools?


In Kryvyi Rich.


is one called 'svit mov'? this is where my girlfriend studyed english.


No ... English Time


have you got native english teachers?


Yes, we have native speakers. We teach many languages. I myself am from the USA.


so do you have english people to teach english in your school or americans?


USA, Canada, UK, and Australia ... Are you a native speaker?


yes i am british, i am about to take a teaching course.


Frankly, I do not know what is your inquiry. We consider those native speakers who pass our exam, have the necessary documents and work permits. We do not sponsor people who seek employment.


i was just interested, i was not looking for a sponsor. i already have two teaching jobs lined up when i move out.


hi quick question about the Ukraine. I met a girl from there and she's wanting me to fly over, but with so many scams going on, can you give me your opinion please?


Do you talk with her on Skype? I hope you are not just corresponding through emails. Frankly, I would not visit any country to meet just one women. Think about it, how many of your
past blind dates were worth the trouble and expense?


Exactly. I went over and met quite a few ladies,but didnt meet the right one. I think I found the right one now,but we will see. It isn't easy and takes time and effort. If you dont speak Russian and she doesnt speak English,it's a problem. You'll need a translator. There's alot of expenses that come up. Use cation and common sense. Dont try to be someone your not to impress.  If the lady pushes for expensive restaurants,orders the most expensive thing on the menu and alcoholic drinks without asking you if it's ok, it's a big red flag! If she says you shouldnt go to a certain restaurant because it's too expensive and suggests a place with better prices, then it's a very good sign she's real and not a high maintenance or scammer.


Guys, there s OK many women in Ukraine who speak English. Do not waste time with those who don,t. There are some good agencies that I know where all the female members are required to speak English.Primarily, it is the agencies that are the big scammers. They are geared to make money through translation services.By the way, in Kryvyi Rich, I invested in a chain of English schools. Google Kyiv, Odessa, Lviv, or any of the major cities and you will be surprised how many English schools are in business.


[Moderated: pls post an advert in the housing section]

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