New ... Hello?! Is anybody here?


Briefly about me : Where I come from: I come from Ternopil. Have studied in Lviv. Traveled to different countries and across Ukraine. I'm recently in Kyiv.

What I like: ski, ice skating, bike, travel, theatre, movies, photography, linguistics, slavic culture, folk music, hitch-hiking, mountains, sun, fresh air :) I do also like healthy food:)

How I look like: Great! :)

What I do: teach Ukrainian and English and do many other things...which?

By the way, there are plenty of things i didn't mention. You may ask. Do it !:) Do not hesitate to contact me! I would be very pleased to talk to you. Thank you! Best regards! levenyatko:)

Welcome to the forum Levenyatko :)

You talk about movies !! :D What kind of movies do you like; I am great amateur of Hollywood ones, mainly thriller and adventures one. What about you!


European mostly... Dogme 95!

I would say Hollywood movies are too licked and too clean for me.

I love hand camera.   

Have you heard about Dogme?

Levenyatko i read your letter and it is beautiful really beautiful. i don't know how old you are but you are a so spontaneous that it's can become a art

Stop ,Stop ,Stop!

Levenyatko, i past dogme 95! in google and se some strange pigtures!
So again me but i don't realy like the pictures i saw!
me be i se it wrong but the pictures are not to much but strange to open.