
BSN number


I just moved to Amsterdam from Dublin 2 weeks ago. I found a room to rent but unfortunately I am not able to register here. I really need to get a BSN number so that I can get a job ASAP. Living like a hobo is fun for 2 weeks but it's starting to get to me now.
What can I do so that I can get a BSN number? I have heard that there are some hostels where you can register is that true and where can I find one.

All help would be greatly appreciated!! :)

See also

Travelling to the Netherlandscustoms and duty moving back to USMarriage/ Wedding AmsterdamSetting up a UK LTD company while living in the NetherlandsEarning through my UK ltd company whilst living in the Netherlands.

I don't know about any hostels allowing you to register, I can't imagine that would be on the up and up. Speaking of which, the reason you can't register at the address you are now living is that your landlords are not legally renting to you. Did you sign a contract? Keep this in mind especially if the apartment is subsidized by the government (social housing). I don't mean to frighten you or sound negative, but I've been through this. I know people who's landlords have asked them to leave the apartment at a moments notice because they know the Gemeente will be showing up for a visit. I do know that the Gemeente allows some people to register as receiving mail at an address although I'm not certain that is enough to get your BSN number. I suggest you find a place to live that allows registration. Take care and good luck.


I will suggest you to go to the tax office as soon as possible !
I got my sofi number without having a permanent address and it took me around 30 minutes, but I have a job
Don't stress and GOOOOOOOOOO (take an appointment first !)


Syd68, thank you so much!!!

So you reckon it won't be a problem to get a number from them. Where is the tax office that I have to go to? I am so lost around here.

Again thank you so much for your help!! :D


Social security number
You must then apply at your local tax office (Belastingdienst) for your tax number (SOFI-nummer). The local office in Amsterdam is near Sloterdijk station, Kingsfordweg 1, 1043 GN Amsterdam, (0206877777).

EU citizens only need a passport to receive their number but non-EU nationals will have to present several documents, namely a passport, residence permit identification card (or proof of registration with the Foreign Police) and proof of registration with the local municipality (Bevolkingsregister). Application procedures may be laborious, complicated and lengthy therefore it is advised to apply as early as possible

I hope this will help you ! At least they will tell you what to do !!!
Don't feel lost ! Start to make your new life !!! taxes and jobs !! the rest will follow