
Sharks in Malta

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I recently found out there are 15 aggresive shark species in Malta waters among them Great white :o. Damn, it is no fun!
How do you live with that? Are the main beaches netted?
I love the beach, but I want to come out from water in one piece.

See also

Living in Malta: the expat guideTravelling to Malta with two dogsTravelling with 3 dogs from UK to MaltaLong term room /apartmentHow to adapt to the expat challenges of everyday life in Malta

just when you thought it was safe to get in the water......



Well in doing 1000 plus dives in Malta I have yet to see an agressive Shark species....

Great Whites are known around the Med and Malta region but these are females and, yet to be scientifically proven, they are using the Med as a nursery for there young. Mako Sharks are known, Blue Sharks are known also... The Agressive Shark Species are actually around Paceville on a Friday Saturday and Sunday night... TAXI DRIVERS !!


oh so true scoobs....


Perhaps be more scared of the jellyfish - horrible little critters, I've been stung twice when I thought the water was clear!


Sharks in Malta have 2 legs


the species to beware of are timeshare touts, taxi drivers, and estate


Wishes there were Like buttons on this website haha

This is England

My partner saw and photographed an angel shark when he went on a dive near the El Faroud.. near the Blue Grotto. As for jellyfish I had a very nasty sting a few years ago and still have the scars. Most painful experience ever.



Angel Sharks are known around the Blue Grotto, although they are very difficult to spot as they are a bit like the Rays and lay in the sand.

They are amazing creatures and very beautiful...



The Aggressive Shark Species are actually around Paceville on a Friday Saturday and Sunday night... TAXI DRIVERS !!



Sharks in Malta have 2 legs


Are there any loan sharks out there? - these are very dangerous sharks too yeah?


This is England

Julian, the angel shark was as you say.... lying in the sand.... and when my partner approached it rose up and started to swim.... he managed to get a few good shots of it.


I love your sense of humour!  I have never heard about a shark attack in the island if that happens.. unless the news were in Maltese :cool:


They are not normally referred to in the media as sharks, but "big fish", so as not to scare the tourists


Only attack (than can be substatiated) in Malta was in 1956.

But again this could be wrong !!!.


georgeingozo wrote:

They are not normally referred to in the media as sharks, but "big fish", so as not to scare the tourists

You are right... I found this quote on the Air Malta site..
The Mediterranean Sea surrounding Malta can be considered as very safe. Big fish are rarely spotted near the coast.

Big fish aka as TA' HUGEKINDA LAMPUKI :lol::lol:


Only attack (than can be substatiated) in Malta was in 1956.


And here i was thinking, this could have been another movie for Jaws :lol::lol::lol:


georgeingozo wrote:

They are not normally referred to in the media as sharks, but "big fish", so as not to scare the tourists

It seems that even "Big Fish" is now considered alarming. Here's an extract from a conversation currently taking place on a fishing forum where the word "Fin" seems sufficient to inform people of what's around........

"Hi everyone,

If you go next to filfla just be on the look out as I heard there is a fin running around in that area. keep a look out just in case you catch a tuna or something so you dont get a fright if you spot him."

"I don't know if he's big enough to fit in you'r boat. Just keep a watch out cause it's not a nice encounter hux"

"I managed to see three but one of them I think was a great white. we were 15 miles of Ghar Hassan and he was chassing Alungi, cause when we spotted him,  after a few seconds we saw them Jumping infront of our boat. He came up between my boat and my friends and was lucky that he passed under my boat and he was a big one, but not huge as we see on TV. My boat was 14 ft so I guest he was 15 to 16 ft not the 20 foot we see on the discovery channel.

It scared me to hell when I saw him but he wasn't interested in my boat ...... Thanks god"

"Good to hear that digger, I thought no one would believe that I saw something huge attacking alungi last sunday. Was much closer to shore though, maybe three to four miles."

Be afraid people. Very afraid  :o


mmm now I am curious and found out that there is even a sharksmalta website.. :/
BTW Great White =  kelb il-bajar abjad jew silfjun

now, really, is the sea and fish leave there...small, medium and large ones!

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