Travelling around the world

Dear all!

Why is it that people from first world countries like Canada USA Europe Australia Russia visit or live temporarily in  third world countries Like asian, African, South american countries?
some of those countries have poor standard of living. It truly takes some balls to do it. … 573#527221

Read the link then ask again if you need to.

Every place has its good and bad sides - and general "standard of living" rankings are no good guide for your personal likes and dislikes.
In addition, you never know what the world has on offer if you don't step out of your little comfort zone (or should I say mental ghetto?).
An Indian guy I once met in Japan answered the question why to live abroad with "It makes you a better person!" It can't be said in a better way!

The question assumes that people should only travel to places with better standards of living than their own.

beppi wrote:

Every place has its good and bad sides - and general "standard of living" rankings are no good guide for your personal likes and dislikes.
In addition, you never know what the world has on offer if you don't step out of your little comfort zone (or should I say mental ghetto?).
An Indian guy I once met in Japan answered the question why to live abroad with "It makes you a better person!" It can't be said in a better way!

i agree :cool:

well ,
to each his own

I agree with Francaiscuisine :)

Lililafe wrote:

I agree with Francaiscuisine :)

thanks Lililafe! :)

Hericles wrote:

Hey all!

Why is it that people from first world countries like Canada USA Europe Australia Russia visit or live temporarily in  third world countries Like asian, African, South american countries?
some of those countries have poor standard of living.

Vice versa, people from Asian countries too loved to live in Europe, in my opinion some for traveling like business, some for marriage, tourist, in Asian country cheaper expenses,some are due to weather or climate. its a case to case bases.

Most people are curious about the other side of the world. Some is like "ohh what is going on over there?", while the other ones are like "standing on this mountain but still looking at the other one"
That's why people want to travel and experience new places.

Emman Lopez wrote:
Hericles wrote:

Hey all!

Why is it that people from first world countries like Canada USA Europe Australia Russia visit or live temporarily in  third world countries Like asian, African, South american countries?
some of those countries have poor standard of living.

Vice versa, people from Asian countries too loved to live in Europe, in my opinion some for traveling like business, some for marriage, tourist, in Asian country cheaper expenses,some are due to weather or climate. its a case to case bases.

yeah, correct
we really appreciate what we don't have.. we want to be in places we've never been..

annie_t wrote:

Most people are curious about the other side of the world. Some is like "ohh what is going on over there?", while the other ones are like "standing on this mountain but still looking at the other one"
That's why people want to travel and experience new places.

that's a low bar.

Just because a country has a 3rd world rating doesn't mean it is a poor choice for a travel destination. Luxury is available when ever and where ever you desire it. 3rd world status often means that Luxury is more reasonably available. Local people in 3rd world destinations are often happier to provide you with that higher standard of Luxury than you can buy in the 1st or 2nd world.
Travel and Vacationing is all about having a good time in this life. Safety in paramount no matter where you travel and having a 1st or 2nd rating status doesn't insure a safe destination. Morocco may have a 3rd world status, but it is a safe and exciting destination for international travelers. Tourism is a huge part of the economy, and tourists are well protected as they enjoy our hospitality.

Morocco-Unlimited wrote:

Just because a country has a 3rd world rating doesn't mean it is a poor choice for a travel destination. Luxury is available when ever and where ever you desire it. 3rd world status often means that Luxury is more reasonably available. Local people in 3rd world destinations are often happier to provide you with that higher standard of Luxury than you can buy in the 1st or 2nd world.
Travel and Vacationing is all about having a good time in this life. Safety in paramount no matter where you travel and having a 1st or 2nd rating status doesn't insure a safe destination. Morocco may have a 3rd world status, but it is a safe and exciting destination for international travelers. Tourism is a huge part of the economy, and tourists are well protected as they enjoy our hospitality.

i agree!

i think people always want to try something different than what they have....(places,weather, lives, languages, cultures, food.....)

In answer to Hericles's original question: I think it takes curiosity to do it, not necessarily courage. My own adventures while "travelling poor" date back to the 1960s, with a girl I met at a Youth Hostel in Greece. I wrote in my blog, just last July, in a report called "Clean Sheets":
"Our overnight beds were usually pretty crappy, even by the standards of the Middle East. We were travelling poor, after all... Never did we feel in the slightest danger in our sleeping quarters. We were foreign backpackers in places that had (mostly) never seen backpackers – or foreigners of any kind. The people in each slum relished the chance to exercise their traditional hospitality towards strangers who came in peace. They jostled for the privilege of leading us to places to stay and cafes to eat at, followed us into the kitchens while we chose our food, and watched us eat it. And as often as not, bought us tea afterwards and exuded goodwill."

That gave us both an outlook on the world that we just couldn't have gotten except by first-hand experience - an internationalist outlook that has influenced us ever since.

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