
Air Force Club / Peace&Victory Club Maadi

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Hi, has somebody a clue where it is, and if its possible to go there without any membership /invtations etc.?

Just heard from it from a friend, and they said its fun there, but nobody can actually remember where it is...

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Leisure in CairoLeisure in EgyptFriendship and communityPlaying basketball in CairoNew Book Club in Cairo


I've been in Maadi for 7 months and I have never heard of it. What is it?

Magnum Psyche

And I've been in Maadi all my life and never heard about it too !!

Rumors i think...


Hi Dula, i think it's located in Maadi Nile Cornish

don moe

Well The Air Force Club have only 2 branches located near the airport & the other in Salah Salem Street - Heliopolis!

In Maadi Nile Cornish you will find the Maadi Club (Yacht & Shooting) & other branch inside Maadi too (sawares square)

Plus there are also the Olympic Club inside Maadi & Wadi Degla Club

Some private clubs like (The British Club & Alimo Club)

And as said above from all maadians,there are no Army nor Air Force club in Maadi at all.



I think that foreigners are also not allowed in a military club, not even for attending a wedding.

don moe

Geely wrote:

I think that foreigners are also not allowed in a military club, not even for attending a wedding.

You are right,as foreigners are not allowed to enter any military club but they can eneter weddings with exception plus foreigners some times enter if they are with some one who have the club card as I used to take friends there.
Even Egyptian men with beard or Egyptian women wearing niqab are totally not allowed to enter by any way even with some one who is member.


WELL i'd like to help but ,
as i'm ex-officer at airforce ,,the two branchesonly for clasified members only .. not all military officers allowed to enter .

,,and for other militaryclubs ex,MAADI KORNICH . non egyptians not allowed to enter even with members only in onecase if they get a paper from the main branch of affairs and that would be for certain time only ..

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