Hi Leelee,
It depends on what you are looking for in a place, if you like tranquility and beautiful landscapes I believe Brittany has lots to offer. Brittany is beautiful and its rich culture is preserve. I grew up in a city life and even theres a lot of things I miss Im appreciating Brittanys beauty. I'm in the south west of Brittany, Concarneau, Frances third most important fishing port. It has popular summer resorts and has 2 district areas; the modern town on the mainland and the medieval Ville Close, a walled town on a long island in the centre of the harbour which is also the main tourist spot of the place. One of Brittanys most colourful and authentic festivals takes place here in August, called Le Festival des Filets Bleus. Aside from that Bretonne traditional festival, you can eat lots of grilled seafood with live music which they called poissonade.
I haven't tour the whole Brittany yet but I've visited couple of stunning tourist spots such as La Point de Raz - western point of the commune of Plogoff, Finistère, Standing Stones of Carnac (megalithic site), Locronan medieval town, different educational kids attractions like Parc de Préhistoire de Bretagne in Morbihan and Oceanopolis of Brest and of course the Zoos.
About kids' activities, there sure is a lot. Kids here go to school only 4 times a week and usually Wednesday (no school day) is an activity day. My 9 yr. old did dance and swimming and now shes doing Judo. Before the start of school year, the sport community gathers together in a certain place where in you can register your kids on which activities they like to do. Pretty much everything is there, indoor and outdoor sports.
About whole year outdoor activities, for me summer is the best
so happy to see the hot sun. Families here do biking, go to the beach and not to mention the lovely picnic and barbeques. Yum! At the beach, the city municipal installs fun activities from July to August for the kids (2-11yrs.) and there's also activities for adults. Its free! The last day of those activities, they offer toy gifts and t-shirts for the kids who participated in the beach activities. During autumn season (like now) theres Fetes Forain (mini carnival) in the plaza with all those fun and colorful rides both for kids and adults. During winter, where Christmas is in the air there's still a lot to do outside even the weather is cold. Lol! Some families go to ski. Spring time is nice too because gardens and surroundings start to come to life. People were busy in their garden planting beautiful flowers or doing their vegetable garden. I also noticed the city never neglects to place flower decorations everywhere and they're even designing every round-a-about with flowers.
I lived in a tropical country where the capital is so alive and stores are open until midnight so the 1st time I arrive Brittany I was shocked that nothing is open by 5 or 7pm. Although during summer stores were open until 8pm. It depends on the store owner, some remaines open until 9 or 10pm Its indeed a big adjustment but the best part is I learn to embrace the culture of my French husband.
About the school here, I can't complain because schools here are free. Kids eat in school and we pay for their canteen meal at the mairie (municipal). As early as 2 yrs old you can register your kid for school. My little one whos 2 is now going to school. She eats in the canteen and do afternoon nap in school and have their own beds. She's happy to meet new friends and plays with other kids. I find class for younger kids quite nice because I feel they're well taken care of. At the beginning, you can let your little one stay just in the morning then 2 or 3 days whole day. If the kid is starting to feel more comfortable in class then you can let him stay the whole day or as you want.
You asked: and crime is there a lot, are people friendly etc
.?, I don't know about other parts of Brittany but in the place I live in, its quiet and peaceful. Its normal for every mums to worry and freak out being new to the community but I find people here warm and friendly even I dont talk good French. However, learning Fench is a must. Its very important to learn at least basic French to go about with your daily life here. There are many free associations offering free French lessons just like what my English friend and I did so nothing to worry about. I continue learning French with AVF(retired professors) once a week for 2 hours while my kids are in school. Another good thing of living here, your kids will be bilingual which is very good for them. In my case, my kids are trilingual. 
I hope I was able to inform you about Brittany. If you have questions don't hesitate to ask, I'll be glad to help.