
Guest house / hotel app

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Looking for a guest house or a hotel apartment in a prime location where all restaurants and knight life is close by and yet quite place to stay either you are single , couple ,family or in a group its the ideal place to stay its like home away from home feeling and yet a Hotel service that you would 00251911217901. Just off bole road or known as africa ave.

See also

Real estate listingsLiving in Addis Ababa: the expat guideLooking for a flat, or room in a shared flat/houseBuffett de la gareNeighborhoods

Hey there,

Thanks for posting that info. Would you please post some pictures of the room and the general location for your guest house. I would also like to know how much it would cost for a single person who are going to stay there for a month with occasional visitors.

Thank you.


Thank you for responding the guest house is located behind Getu commercial just before Olympia lights about 200meters of bole road
the price for a single or couple is from 50usd to 115 usd please
forward me your e-mail i can send you some pictures i am sure you would like the place as well as the location.

Thank you



Darn, I called your cell early this morning not knowing what time it was there ... it was 5:35am ... I will try to call again later




Please see the classified section I have put and ad there and I will reply directly to you. Please add your direct e-mail add.

Thank you

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