
bbc world service -help

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are there 2 separate wavelengths in malta for bbc world service and classic fm on the radio as i seem to be getting both on the same wavelength and it will change from bbc world service to classic thet i can,t listen should i want to to bbc world service 24/7.....
many thanks in anticipation of some clarification and help

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bbc world service is available on melita radio service ch 963


a snippet which may explain it - but you may know this already

Campus FM, which forms part of the Malta University Broadcasting, is the University of Malta's radio station, broadcasting educational programmes of a formal and informal nature.

Built on a tradition of quality broadcasting, the station has collaboration agreements with a number of entities, such as the BBC World Service and Classic FM in the UK, United Nations Radio, Deutsche Welle, Radio Netherlands and Putumayo World Music. Also, students, lecturers and staff at University are involved in the radio's operations and are contributing towards various productions and initiatives. Campus FM has been the recipient of a number of broadcasting awards since 1995.

Campus FM transmits twenty-four hours a day on the analog frequency 103.7 FM, as well as on the latest digital radio transmission technology, DAB+. CampusFM is available on the internet through a collaboration with University IT Services.

Malta University Broadcasting Ltd. forms part of the Malta University Holding Company Ltd.


many thanks for such a prompt 963 is on which fm or am or mw....i have still not located it...when u say channel do u mean wavelength?


"channel 963 is on which fm or am or mw..."

neither -  its channel 963 on Melita's digital box


thank u george...i wld like to know how i can get it on my radio please...


AFAIK Campus FM is the only way, so its only for part of each day

their schedule


thank u so much george,s what i suspected but wasn,t sure.
thanks for web schedule also ..very kind and helpfull:)


pleasure - following shows the weekly schedule, until Jan … hedule.pdf

09.00 Analizi tal-gurnali
09.20 Foreign News/Culture news
09.30 Meta l-mo isir palk
10.00 BBC News Update
10.06 Sahha
11.00 Classic FM
13.00 Analizi tal-gurnali
13.30 University Matters
14.00 BBC News Hour
15.00 Classic FM
19.30 L-isport matul iz-zminijiet
20.00 Mahler
21.00 BBC World Service
09.00 Analizi tal-gurnali
09.20 Foreign News/Culture news
09.30 Lorenzo Milani: Bejn ilbierah u llum
10.00 BBC News Update
10.06 Prizma
11.00 Classic FM
13.00 Analizi tal-gurnali
13.30 Biex hekk jibqghu maghna
14.00 BBC News Hour
15.00 Classic FM
19.30 Bioneers
20.00 Platea
20.30 Meta l-mohh isir palk
21.00 BBC World Service
09.00 Analizi tal-gurnali
09.20 Foreign News/Culture News
09.30 Ilhna mic-cpar
10.00 Ricerka fl-edukazzjoni ambjentali
10.30 Bioneers
11.00 Classic FM
13.00 Analizi tal-gurnali
13.30 Meta l-mo isir palk
14.00 BBC News Hour
15.00 Classic FM
19.30 Kif haddmu l-Malti
20.00 Outside Lectures
21.00 BBC World Service
09.00 Analizi tal-gurnali
09.20 Foreign News/Culture News
09.30 Faxxikli
10.00 BBC News Update
10.06 I’m Alright!
11.00 Classic FM
13.00 Analizi tal-gurnali
13.30 Ilhna mic-cpar
14.00 BBC News Hour
15.00 Classic FM
19.30 Lorenzo Milani: Bejn ilbierah u llum
20.00 Putumayo Radio Show
21.00 BBC World Service
09.00 Analizi tal-gurnali
09.20 Foreign News/Culture News
09.30 Platea
10.00 University Matters
10.30 L-isport matul iz-zminijiet
11.00 Classic FM
13.00 Analizi tal-gurnali
13.30 Faxxikli
14.00 BBC News Hour
15.00 Classic FM
19.30 Biex hekk jibqghu maghna
20.00 Gregorian Chant/Showtime
21.00 BBC World Service
09.00 BBC World Service
09.06 Prizma
10.00 BBC News Update
10.06 I’m Alright!
11.00 Ricerka fl-edukazzjoni ambjentali
11.30 Kif haddmu l-Malti
12.00 BBC News Update
12.05 Sahha
13.00 Putumayo Radio Show
14.00 BBC World Service
21.00 Fantasija Muzikali
22.30 BBC World Service
09.00 BBC World Service
10.00 Mahler
11.00 Classic FM
13.00 Gregorian Chant/Showtime
14.00 BBC World Service


you are a star george :)))) thank u so much


does anybody know of anybody who has a male kelb-tal-fenek /pharaoh hound male ouppy of approximately 8 weeks old that needs a good has to be a puppy as the kelb-tal -fenek is a sight as well as scent hound and as i have 2 siamese cats at that age it is easier to train such a dog not to chase/kill cats..their rabbit hunting instincts in most cases can be quite strong and it seems that most are in gozo so george maybe u might know of somebody who has a litter or anybody else whether on the mainland or has been my dream dog for many years and as my current dog cross-breed female bella is a very fit lively 8 yr old i feel she is not too old to have companion. many thanks in anticipation


they also Broadcast online … erms.shtml This is the widget that you have to download to listen to it



KTF are much in demand - you can buy a puppy from a breeder for around € 400 if you want pure bred (but no pedigree certificate which is rare in Malta, and actually not required to show them internationally now, as the kennel club has said KTF from Gozo or Malta that look right don't need a pedigree certificate to prove it), or if you want a cross breed you will often find them at the animal welfare centres - Gozo SPCA have a cross breed looking for a home, but she's 2 1/2 years old, so maybe too old and wrong sex. As AAA, Malta SPCA and Noah's Ark have around 120 dogs each, you are likely to find atleast a cross breed and possibly a pure bred at one of their centres … cial-home/


thanks george the breeder in san gwann that used to breed them no longer does...have been in touch with all the various organizations and no puppies...there was one person/farmer i believe who did have litter but kept them ..have had a few chats with peter gatt who was very instrumental in promoting the breed but is no longer breeding ...thanks alot but just thought that someone may know of a farmer that has a litter...i think they are difficult to get hold of despite the fact that they are the national dog of malta is that there are not many of them and unfortunately fashion trends encourage breeding of dogs not suitable for the climate and terrain of malta. also there may be a rabbit hunting farmer who has a litter that may not be good rabbit catchersas not all are....some also meet a tragic end to their potential lives ...thanks anyway should u hear of somebody please be kind enough to let me know....thanks again


how much are you prepared to pay ? There are several breeders in Gozo


thanks george...i would say that 200 euros wld be appropiate as that was the price at the san gwann breeder when they bred them..are these breeders of ktf in gozo listed anywhere ? the breeder in san gwann also provided certificates etc...i am more interested in health, temperament as well as other aspects of this breeds profile:))))


I would suggest putting this as a seperate thread and then other people might get involved as well.

Not saying that its wrong to carry on here just thought that you may get more response



MARIA 9 wrote:

are these breeders of ktf in gozo listed anywhere ?

don't be silly, this is Gozo :-).....people disclose as little as possible, esp when it comes to cash transactions.. I'll ask around, but  €200 sounds very low for a decent KTF puppy, but you never know.


haaaaaaaaaaaa.....silly me .....thank u so much george ...very kind of u :)))))


I've sent you a message Maria

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