
So, I know the situation regarding legality.
I'm getting conflicting advice about taking alcohol into the country for private consumption.
Am told they will turn a blind eye to wine in the foil (from boxed wine).
I'm coming for the first time on Saturday to be a resident.
Any advice would be helpful

NO way buddy.. Since you're not some rich woman or a local with wasta, they will X ray your baggage on arrival before you walk out into the arrivals bit of the airport. If they find any sizable liquid in your bag (even if it's a big bottle of shampoo, or say some exotic mixture for cooking which you can't find locally!), they will open your bag to check what it is and if it's wine, they will definately take it and have a party on your behalf in their free time.
Only alcohol that i know is consumed 'legally' is through the embassies.

Hope this helps

It certainly does help. I was told they couldn't detect the liquid because it was in foil!

go to american embassy or british embassy you can what you need there it is easy :)

It's better if you don't. Imagine the situation they would put you in if they find it out, whether in front of other people or in a private room. It's not worth it.

Besides, it will be good for you to discover a life without alchohol =)

agree with Moe.

ur coming to a country where alcohol is illegal; do not tempt the fates and attempt to smuggle it in; who knows, u may enjoy a life of sobriety (not calling u an alcoholic of course).

if its a "dry" country, adjust.

Good advice. Thanks guys

@ finny ,must say have heard of that but they do detect it depends on your luck, who behind the machine. some people get away with it some get detected. just come and use your brain(skill)

@saint 12: using our brain lol yes of course , most of the time it will work, as here no one is doing his job as it should be done ;)

What about you adell!!! do you do your job as it should be????
I think everybody know the law here in Kuwait.

If you are here to work..Then respect the LAW!!!

Thanks all

seriously,it wont be any good.

@diver: chill out man , i'm not saying that with bad intentions... there are also those who come as tourists , to discover the country and you know that they can get it, being realistic should not offend you (shall i replace no one by few ones ?)

Guess life is Kuwait is on the 'DRY" ground. Alcohol is illegal and it is not worth being put to shame/test just for a bottle of wine!

By the way how long will that one bottle of wine last


starve, for it.and why do people drink in the first place?