Mental health career in Australia

Hi folks!

I am just beginning my research. I am currently in Seattle and am so, so, so tired of the rain and cold! Some brief googling indicates that there is a labor shortage of mental health providers in Australia. I am a LMFT (psychotherapist) so, I am hoping to find information about mental health care and culture in Australia.

This is probably a niche queston, but does anyone have any experience with transitioning their mental health career to another country?

Thanks in advance!


Hello and welcome on board !

Please note that I have created this new thread on the Australia forum from your post so that members can guide you.

Hope you'll receive some feedback soon.



Please can u help me with any website  address if possible. Thanks

    Please can u help me with any website  address if possible. Thanks         -@francis alain

Welcome to the forum.

How about being proactive and doing an online search.

Hi there!  I've heard there's a demand for mental health doctors there. It might be worth checking the specific requirements for LMFTs. Good luck with your research.

@francis alain

Check for this website:

They have options to Join as a Doctor and you can work remotely.