Moving furniture from Monovar Spain to UK

Hi does anyone know if someone can move our furniture back to the UK at the end of the month Jan 24

Thanks in advance


@brownlen3 ***

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Hello and welcome

Feel free to contact our moving partners for a free quote : Moving to England

All the best



Hi Len we used Gaskell transport. They are based UK and cover UK,France and Spain.

They were very good and moved us from France to Galicia in 22. Can recommend them.

They also brought my car in the removals vehicle.

Very accommodating.

Best of luck.  Sandy and Mike

Unless you really need it all probably best to sell what you can and just keep the things you can't replace. I moved from Caen in France to Albacete, paying for 2 days driving plus a hotel half way plus fuel and a couple of people to move and load , unload. I decided I would get rid of pretty much everything and start again , Good luck