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Hello everybody. I am hopeful that I shall beable to begin renovations to my small cottage in Krasen around October2024.

Has anyone got any information regarding the companies I can use, or small teams of self emplyed workers who will be willing to assist me in the renovations? I have been ithe bulding construction business for 30 years in my country, but now am wheelchair bound and wish to employ general workers with some klnowledge of building construction as and when needed. Any advice on hourly rates or weekly rates etc would be great! I would like to begin doing a very very thourough garden clean up to be able to instal ramps first and foremost. So if there are people who can do this in and around the area, please let me know? Please bare in mind this is only for next year, but as these things take time to sort, especially since I am not there and would be relying on others to check on things and to make arrangments initially.

See also

Living in Bulgaria: the expat guideSSA letter apostil. UrgentDog rescue and Baba MartaAnyone with a TRO based in Veliko TarnovoFacebook/ bulgaria


I think this is one for @janemulberry.


My house is in Krasen but unfortunately I don't have much helpful information to offer, as my neighbour has made contact with everyone who has done work on my place, because none of them speak English and my Bulgarian is improving but not up to explaining what I want done yet. My neighbour doesn't speak English either, we use Google Translate and I'm sure some things have been lost in translation!

The roofers she arranged for me were good but expensive, and they did rush the finish work a bit which means I'll need to redo the guttering downpipes. The next guy who did concreting was very very cheap, but his work wasn't good and I wouldn't have him back.  The next guy seems to know what he's doing and quoted a fair price to do the kitchen and bathroom, but I arranged this at the end of September and it appears the work won't be finished for ages. I'm a little concerned it still won't be done by the spring! I'm starting to feel frustrated now and wondering what I'll find when I get back there.

If you can speak some Bulgarian or know someone who speaks both Bulgarian and English, asking at the mayor's office could help. Christina is the person in the office (upstairs and no ramp or lift, unfortunately Bulgaria, especially in the villages, isn't all that wheelchair friendly), and she suggested the roofers I used. But she speaks no English and we didn't succeed trying Google Translate. But if you have someone who can help you communicate, I'm sure there are suitable people. It's just finding them that's the problem.

Sorry I can't be more helpful.


Hi is this Krasen on the north east or the one near Ruse rgds ozzy


@janemulberry Thanks again Jane for some valuable information. I do have a dear friend who has a way with the languages in the area, he does speak fluent Russian, Polish and has managed to speak on my behalf to Georgians as well. Quite the  linguist! I fear that I will have to be on site delegating, come the time, but before I can venture into the property, I must clean up the garden in order to lay a path and ramps. Someone will accompany me come the time, to do the deck and will also then install a decent ramp/ramps into the house. Both myself and my sister are wheelchair bound and she would like to be there as well. My realtor is also english so perhaps I will get her on board for some assistance closer to the time. I cannot afford to pay high prices for work I know what labour it entails. I am sorry you had this problem with the roofers! Anyway, you and I are in coms, so if you hear of anything let me know, and Iin turn will let you know if hear of anything that can assist us.


@Ozzy183a hello there, I wouldsay its the north east.An hour more or less from the coast.


Excellent that you have a linguist friend! I'm sure the workers are out there, it's just making contact that's the tricky part!

Now is the time to start booking people for outdoor work for spring, as winters get too cold for them to work outside and summers get too hot. That means they're busy in spring and autumn! The guys who did my roof don't do gardening but do other building work besides roofing and might be able to do the ramps for you. I can get their number from my neighbour if your friend wants to give them a call. Let me know.

There are also other expats with houses nearby on the forum who may be able to offer contacts. @judygreen and Gavin @westfit (I think I have his forum name right!) have places in Rositsa, the next village out. I've seen other members here mention they're not all that far away, too.


@janemulberry Thank you. You would not have also a number or contact for them too? I would appreciate the number for your roofer, perhaps they can assist me with other things. More importantly, thank you for the information about the weather! When is it winter? So people only work in the spring months? How long is the winter my friend? And could you give me an idea of the seasons? I had not given it a thought!


All I can do is wish you all good luck you'll need it in my experience.



Call  that cell 089*** in Bulgaria 🇧🇬

Ask for Stefan Mihailov

I don't know if u need to dial the zero in the front of the number or not. Try with it and without it. I think that it is with the 0 only in Bulgaria but if u dial outside of BG is without the zero...

They r a construction crew, and they work all over Bulgaria 🇧🇬.  They don't take money in advance

In another forum for bulgarians I saw the following numbers of people close to your village that do construction work and I have no idea if they speak English,  but u can get your real estate agent to call them and explain on bulgarian what u want and they gonna do it as u wish (I

For roofing the company is called Doverie group cell phone number 08***, for bathrooms  call Milcho on 089***, for electrical systems call those numbers 087*** or 0895***, and for doors, walls, heat (parno) and garbage removal call Stanislav *** on 089***. I hope this helps.

A disclaimer: I haven't used their services and saw their adds in a forum for selling properties somewhere on the internet

Good luck 👍

Moderated by Bhavna last year
Reason : Contact details
We invite you to read the forum code of conduct


Hello, thank you for your input, however I had to remove the contact details.

I have sent you an unedited version of your post, could you please send it through pm (private message) to the initial poster ?

thank you



@Merry888 Oh thanks for this, however, the numbers will not display here so would you mind Direct messaging  me? I look forward to hearing fromyou with a DM...and thanks again


@Bhavna Thank you so much for letting them know. 1f609.svg



Hello, DM sent. I have forwarded you the unedited post.




Winter has started in Krasen already, as it has in the UK, with temperatures dropping below freezing for several nights. According to the weather app I use it hasn't been colder than -3 or -4C yet, so about the same as my UK house. Pruning and cutting back in the garden should be doable over winter, but I'm not sure building work outdoors will happen now until spring, which would be March or April depending on the weather.

I will ask my neighbour about the builders' phone contact details. I don't have them because I'm not able to speak enough Bulgarian yet to use the phone. Plus she seems to enjoy being involved!

A useful free app to set up on your phone is Viber. It's widely used in Bulgaria as an alternative to email or text message and has a built in translator. It's what I use to chat with my neighbour when I am in the UK and even in Bulgaria.



I am afraid that I could not find how to send a private message.  How do I do that? Should I add the member to my contact list first?


@janemulberry Looking at June/July next year. I aim to meet everybody there when I am there. I will stick around and supervise the cleaning of the garden and discuss the way forward with any workers/companies once I am there. I am also hoping one of my friends will stick around and keep an eye out and possibly help the builders if need be. He will be building the deck. I hope that everything will fall into place. Thanks again Jane for all your information. I really appreciate it.



Please tell me if you've received my PMs. I wanna be sure u did. And again ask your real estate agent to get all workers for you by going on  for Dobrich region which is your region, because they all advertise there (on bulgarian). If she or he refuses, I will find a way to help u. No worries mate


It sounds like you'll get plenty of suggestions with Merry888's help too!

I'll need to leave it till tomorrow now to message my neighbour as it's getting a bit late to contact her now.   But hopefully tomorrow I can PM the good builders working on my place. I can't suggest anyone to do the garden though.


Here's the number for the builders who did my roof: Phone: +359 8*** or Viber 35989***. They do all sorts of building work apart from electrical and plumbing. They speak Bulgarian and Turkish, but next-to-no English. Not super-cheap, but excellent quality work. I think they'd probably be able to do a suitable job on the access ramps for you.

Tomorrow, my neighbour will get the number for the builder currently working on my house doing the kitchen and bathroom.

Moderated by Bhavna last year
Reason : For security reasons, please share contact details through the private messaging system. Thank you
We invite you to read the forum code of conduct

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