
Passport check

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Dewayne Stevens

Can anyone explain why airport personnel are checking your passport after you have checked in ,gone thru customs and security before you proceed to your gate.

I see it happening a lot at the airport in Santiago and many have the same question and thought with no answer.

Why ? WTH if it was a problem how did we get to check in go thru customs and security?

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@Dewayne Stevens

I dont know for sure but, in countries like DR they have to be a bit more vigilant, it's easy to bribe people, it's not as easy to bribe 5 people; enhanced checks make it more difficult to sneak contraband, people and anything else. If they had one person taking care of all this stuff I promise you 100% there would be corruption and a mess. Other than that, policy but it's 100% because of security and known cultural/professional issues here.


I would also say this is a quality check, to verify if the security are doing their job as contracted.  There should never be a mistake... how can you pass security with an invalid passport? Its possible they can miss the expiry date which should be 6 months from the time of entry I believe.  The lines move so fast that they could miss this.  This would also ensure the customs staff are not making errors, and not taking bribes. 

In Punta Cana, I find it odd that after you get your luggage from the airplane, all your stuff is scanned just before you exit the airport. Normally stuff is scanned at departure, not arrival.  I never seen this before coming to DR.


Off-the-cuff guessing, they might be checking for different things at the different checkpoints (for example, that you're a safe person to let into the airport, vs. that you're a safe bet to be let into the destination country and the airline won't be stuck with you).

Or a belt-and-suspenders thing.

Or pure orneriness.

Or there could be any number of trends that us law-abiding types aren't aware of that could cause them to change their protocols.


@T.DRRR you hit on the main reason. There is something called machete passport (/!\ I AM A STUPID SPAMMER /!\) to get out of the country illegally for X,Y,Z reasons. This is a way to verify on multiple security checkpoints. It's just to make it a bit more harder for the criminals 😀


@Dewayne Stevens

I am glad they are doing this, it makes me feel more secured.

I would be glad to show my passport 10 times if I have to and not questioning security.


Hi, i have just spent a week in DR and i got my passport copied going in and coming out, no explanation From the staff


Scanned?  Normal...

Are you saying fully copied every page on paper?

In DR or your home country?

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