
I'bought land

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Helllo , I bought land , 4 acres ..

was wondering on the process of hooking up water to the property.

The property did have a house on it about 15 years ago and the neighbor said there is water on the street (only 2 houses on this street on top of a mountain in mayaguez ,with a large farm next door ).

I didn’t see any connections/pipes or water meter ,just some concrete blocks where a house used to be .

some basic questions .

do I need a septic first ?

can I hook up water without a house on the property ( I would like to start planting trees ).

how long will it take and do I have to be there ?

i will be calling the water company when my girlfriend gets back from a trip as she is a native Spanish speaker .

Any help greatly appreciated , just trying to figure out where to start .

Thank you

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@Shween congratulations. I would strongly suggest you hire a local gestor to handle any permits and getting utilities. Someone in this group might have a recommendation.


@Shween, Hi Shween, Im an expert when it comes to this subject. I just went thru a long process hooking water up to a house in Aguadilla. It cost me 4300 for water line and sewer. My neighborhood has sewer.  You need to first go online to Acueductospr and make an appointment online. You will need your deed and construction permits if you're building also proof that your CRIM is payed to date (Aka property taxes). If your land is more than 50ft from the water main, then a study needs to be done. The site survey cost from the water company is 1000.


@Shween even if you find the waterline you will need proof who payed for that waterline installation years ago. The water company will only use the existing waterline if you have a receipt or documentation from previous owner such as water bill indicating its a legal connection.  If you do have that info it will only cost you 80 bucks to put it in your name.. Good luck..

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