
House factory/ shipping to US

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Hello everyone I’m new to the forum but have lurked for some time gathering useful information. Thank y’all for that.

I had a question maybe I can get any kind of insight to make the best decisions. Or best at the time.

So I’m moving to dr to start a small home studio with some of my equipment. I make different leather items. Shoes small wallets etc. I do plan on selling some of what I make here but I have an online and us audience that I sell to. I basically planned on picking a home , renting it out, having 1-2 workers and shipping to us/ selling to shops in tourist areas.

I have family out there and also speak the language. My parents are Dominican. I will have a cousin of mine helping me out to start.

im setting up a bank accounts in both us and pesos. I’m having a freight cargo company ship my things. I will have security systems in place to protect my home. I’m not a very “loud” person. I know there’s legal routes of doing everything but wanted to make sure to make sure it would be worth it to start. This will be in la romana area.

Does anyone have experience in any aspect of this? Any advice or suggestions or even concerns would be greatly appreciate.

See also

Citizenship in the Dominican RepublicTraveling to the Dominican RepublicRetiring in the Dominican RepublicGetting married in the Dominican RepublicDeath in the Dominican Republic

Welcome to the forums.  You will want to set up your corporation and register your employees here to help manage your risk and stay legal.


I don’t have anything much to offer, but my first question is if you’ve discussed the shipping rates back to the US with your cargo company. It’s not too terribly expensive to get things here from the US, but getting anything back to the US, even an envelope, can run you $50 USD.

You will also need residency or citizenship to work here. Either should be easy to get since your parents are Dominican.



I do plan on doing that but wanted to go at least 3-4 months before I go that route. Wanna make sure it’s worth putting in the time and money into the legal aspects.


@ddmcghee I have not but did want to ask. Otherwise it would have to be a ups or something like that.

to work at a company yes, but does the same apply to working for yourself?

also does it matter that my parents live in us?


UPS from here to the US starts at about $50. You definitely need to address how you’re going to get products back to the US before you move your business here. If you, or your parents, travel back and forth often enough, you might be able to take things out that way and then ship within the US.

Yes - to legally work in DR, for yourself or anyone else, for a local company or a company in another country, you must have residency, citizenship, or a work visa. The labor laws here are territorial - if you are doing anything here to earn income, you must have legal status to do so and could be liable for income taxes here. I have no idea how income taxes work here, but if you plan to have a company and make a living here, you need to find out!

As far as getting residency or citizenship, I don't think it matters if your parents are in the US. As long as they have Dominican citizenship, I believe that can be passed along to their children, regardless of place of birth.


It doesn't matter where your parents live as long as they are Dominican.  It's easy for you to get your citizenship. You will need copies of your birth certificate and your parents cedulas wtc


@planner is there a place I can go that lays out the process? Or can you explain it, it it’s not too lengthy, to me. If it’s as easy as you say I’d definitely want to do it.


There is no one place as these issues are  covered by multiple  agencies. The corp is easy and needs just  2 shareholders, neither needs to be Dominican.  Then you have to register the corp with Aduanas for importing and with the Labor Department.  The labor code is complicated and convoluted.  I can message you so we exchange emails and I can forward that to you. But its only a part of things.  All of this can be done in a month, as I do it regularly!


@mateo88 Here’s a link to the Ministerio de Interior, the group that handles citizenship. This page is for adult children of Dominican citizens.


@ddmcghee thanks!

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