
5.9 magnitude earthquake shook Colombia at dawn 3/10/23


Hopefully everyone is ok.  Probably made for an interesting morning in some places.

"An earthquake of magnitude 5.9 shook a large part of Colombia in the early hours of Friday, without the authorities having reported any victims or damage so far. According to a preliminary bulletin from the Colombian Geological Service (SGC), the telluric movement occurred at 4:18 local time (9:18 GMT) at a depth of 151 kilometers and had as its epicenter the Los Santos region, in the department of Santander, in the center -east of the country, where one of the main geological faults of the country is located. The violence of the movement shook a good part of the infrastructure and was particularly strong in Bogotá and Medellín, as well as other cities such as Bucaramanga, the capital of Santander, the city closest to the epicenter, and in Cúcuta on the border with Venezuela."

See also

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Well, I'm in Floridablanca , right next to the Mesa de Los Santos & we got shook real good here in our ground level house. Today, I'll hear from others if there was any real damage.


We are in Usaquen right now and it woke us as well.


Pereira here, woken the whole building where we are shook at 4.21am. I was thinking of going outside but  the episode was done in less than a minute. But it shook all the closets   it was pretty scary.


The calm before the storm??


Expats were sharing their experiences here in

El Poblado, Medellín, this afternoon.

I felt the undulating effects for less than

half a minute .. and, having felt the effects

of a quake once before, knew immediately

what it was.

I flew down from Bucaramanga-Floridablanca

eight days earlier, so I missed the full-on

experience they had in Departamento Santander.

cccmedia in El Poblado, Medellín


@duanesquier Hey mate, a Canuck here in Sonson, Antioquia, south of Medellin. It was really strong here and things were actually falling off of my shelf in my office. My bed was bouncing and I got a free massage that I did not ask for and thankfully no one got hurt here.


Hello everyone,

We are sorry to hear this bad news. Such things are always difficult to hear.

We hope that you, your family members and your friends are safe.

Our thoughts are with all the people of Colombia.

Stay safe,

Cheryl team


A total of 700 earthquakes, magnitude of 4.0

or higher, have occurred within 300 kilometers

or 186 miles of Medellin in the past decade.

That is 70 quakes a year near the Paisa capital.

The March 10 event near Floridablanca

was measured at 4.4 magnitude.
