
Calling 800 and other US numbers from Colombian phone

Last activity 09 August 2024 by nico peligro

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Is there a special exit code I need to dial when trying to reach 800 numbers from my new Colombian phone number?  I was trying to reach my credit card customer service by calling the 800 number on the back as well as the (outside the US) number and I am immediately disconnected.  Any help would be much appreciated as I have had problems trying to call US numbers from my new phone number here.


Something is going wrong here .. and Brenneman is not the only Expat with this complaint.

Last month, I attempted from a dozen different locations with supposed overseas phoning capability ..  to reach my USA bank's overseas number (not an 800 #).

Each time, the call did not go through.  Usually the number was dialed from a cell phone .. and always by the owner of the phone shop or its agent.  The number appears on the back of my bank Visa card.

Surprisingly, this major USA  bank does not have an online system for a customer to initiate the type of inquiry I was attempting to make.

cccmedia in Ipiales (where the calls were attempted)


I can offer suggestions but I can't try them.

It depends on your carrier and the code assigned to them.  For instance if you're trying to call a number in Memphis, TN, say, 901-202-3370,
and you have Movistar your code is 9, so you dial two zeros, the 9, then a 1, then the number:
009 1 901 202 3370

The two zeros followed by the code, followed by a 1, followed by the area code and number is per … ;hacia=usa
...where you will use the code in the list they give for carriers.

So if you have Tigo you use the 414 code:
00414 1 901 202 3370

The code for ETB is 7, UNE EPM is 5, Claro Móvil is 444, etc. etc.


I use Skype from my computer to call Toll Free Numbers in Canada.

It works for almost all of them.

I imagine that it will be the same for US Toll Free Numbers

Good Luck!


I found these instructions but haven't tried them. I use Skype and toll free calls are free from anywhere. … ted_states



Thanks, Fred, although your link repeats what I had already posted above in #3 - in any case I agree, Skype, Oovoo, WhatsApp and other applications work well and are easier and free!


Recently I too had to speak to an agent in my Chase Bank in the us, SO i USED MY MAGIC JACK, it works like a charm.  If you don't have one buy one for 30 dollars a year. It works with your computer

nico peligro


Get voip line

nico peligro

Magic jack pain in but,t, but cheapest Voip out there.

Why do People keep resurecting ancient threads? How can they even find the first place?



Regarding the threads if you search a subject that you want to get to it brings up old emails. I know it happens to me and I apologize but it’s interesting to read back through so thank you.


If you get a Claro plan, make sure you get it with international calls.  I think my plan offers 5 hours per month...I don't use them.  BUT, when you do call, it is 00 444 1 area code then number.  It may be similar for other providers as well....

nico peligro

@pbrennemanMagic Jack or any other VOIP system works fibe with toll free numbers.

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