Future career dilemma

Wishing everyone a happy 2023 , giving us all health and love.

My dilemma is the following :

I am a pharmacy school student , acquiring my MPharm in the next year. I have two options for my future :

1) pursue a clinical pharmacologist career , which means earning a PhD in Pharmacology ( approximately 7 or more years studying ) without anyone promising to me wealth , however this field is the only one reminding me why I enrolled.

2) open a pharmacy store in a small town with multiple connections and a guaranteed wealth. This also means to leave aside my dreams of becoming a scientist and being beneficial to my society via the clinical trials and industrial path.

I have 6 months to decide and I am currently standing on the fence.

P.S I am not from Canada , have nothing to do with this beautiful country , just happened to find this forum and seek some help. Thanks everyone and appreciate reading this.