Expat news in Canada

Is Canada becoming less welcoming to immigrants?
Everyday life
Is Canada becoming less welcoming to immigrants?
Canada narrowly avoided a technical recession. The country's economic and demographic growth partly relies on immigration. However, the economic downturn, marked by the housing crisis, raises concerns among some of the population. Let's delve into the analysis.
Why are more and more Canadians moving overseas?
Everyday life
Why are more and more Canadians moving overseas?
One of the top destinations for expats from around the world for decades, Canada continues to welcome foreign nationals despite its recent immigration reforms. However, a growing number of Canadians are choosing to move abroad. While this is not a new trend, it has been steadily increasing, which is quite troubling for a nation grappling with an aging population and seeking to retain its citizens. So why are more and more Canadians moving abroad?
How do you prove your financial means when moving abroad?
Banks and finance
How do you prove your financial means when moving abroad?
If you're planning to move abroad, you're perhaps in the middle of the process of obtaining your visa and residency permit. One of the required documents is proof of financial means. Apart from the often exorbitant amount, how can you prove you have sufficient funds to live in your chosen country?

Expat news

Canada tightens visas: Is your dream move still possible?
Canada tightens visas: Is your dream move still possible?
Canada remains a magnet for expats worldwide, but recent policy shifts are putting extra financial strain on those considering the move. Relocating there was already costly, and new visa changes are set to hike expenses further. Will this deter potential expats?
Why increasing numbers of immigrants choose to leave Canada
Everyday life
Why increasing numbers of immigrants choose to leave Canada
Has Canada lost its appeal in the eyes of foreigners? Although the country significantly relies on immigration for its growth, a recent study has sparked concerns as more immigrants choose to leave the country for better prospects. Let's explore the different reasons. 
How is the global housing crisis affecting immigration policies?
How is the global housing crisis affecting immigration policies?
Will the housing crisis affect the policies of major immigration countries? Inflation is driving up all costs worldwide, and rents are no exception. Countries are becoming increasingly expensive with fewer housing options available. This situation could benefit other countries that are also trying to attract expats, especially international students.

Content from our partners

Immigration to and integration in Quebec: the new regulations
Immigrant Québec
Immigration to and integration in Quebec: the new regulations
Thousands of expats make Quebec their new home every year. The immigration system is, therefore, forever evolving.. To better meet the needs of the province, but also to allow better integration of immigrants to Quebec.


Beyond the postcard: Navigating the realities of being an expat in Canada 
Everyday life
Beyond the postcard: Navigating the realities of being an expat in Canada 
Is the dreamland of immigrants losing its shine? Many expats say living in Canada is far from the postcard scenes. Others put things into perspective – living well in Canada is possible as long as you follow a few essential steps. In short, the journey to a successful immigration can be long and tedious. So, what does it take to live well in Canada? What are the pitfalls to avoid?
Is Canada losing its appeal to expatriates?
Is Canada losing its appeal to expatriates?
Canada is with no doubt a top expat destination. However, it is a direct competitor to other destinations such as Switzerland, which ranks first in the latest edition of the HSBC Expat Explorer Survey. Australia and New Zealand come in second and third, while Canada ranks 13th. Besides, according to a recent study by the Institute of Canadian Citizenship, 30% of newcomers to Canada plan to leave within two years. Does this mean that Canada no longer retains expats? 
Is Canada becoming the new Silicon Valley?
Is Canada becoming the new Silicon Valley?
Recent developments suggest that Canada has not only already established itself as another Silicon Valley but is actually also promoted and acknowledged by major technical giants as a good alternative to the existing Silicon Valley in the USA.
Close-up of Canada's general elections
Close-up of Canada's general elections
Canada, one of the most popular expat destinations, is set to elect their Prime Minister on the 21st of October. Expat.com chats to a short-term expat living in Canada at the moment as well as a long-term expat who has chosen to run in the elections.
Quebec now one of the safest cities in the world
Everyday life
Quebec now one of the safest cities in the world
Quebec appears third in the ranking of the world's most secure cities in 2019 by CEO Magazine. Interesting fact: it is the only city in North America in the top 30 of this ranking. What makes it stand out?
Business acquisition: Have you given Quebec a thought?
Business acquisition: Have you given Quebec a thought?
According to a recent survey by the Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières (UQTR), owners of Small and Medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Québec are more likely to sell their enterprises than in any other Canadian regions. Indeed, almost one in four small business owners have stated that they plan to transfer their business between the years 2017 and 2022. In other areas of Canada, only one in five business owners state they might want to sell their enterprises.

Expat interviews

Adaptation: The key to enjoying your expat life in Canada
Everyday life
Adaptation: The key to enjoying your expat life in Canada
Elisabeth moved to Quebec, Canada, in the fall of 2021, with her partner and their two cats. The young French expat tells us what motivated her to leave everything behind and embark on a new adventure abroad. However, she warns that the reality may not be what you expected. Here are her tips for anyone looking to settle in this beautiful Canadian province.
Moving to Quebec amid the pandemic: Tales of an expat family
Everyday life
Moving to Quebec amid the pandemic: Tales of an expat family
Maëva has been in love with Quebec for nearly twenty years, but she only decided to take the leap of faith during the pandemic, looking for a better quality of life. She talks to us about her expat experience with her partner and their two children and the many opportunities available in this Canadian province for expatriates.
Meet Lilly, the expat who is constantly reinventing herself abroad
Meet Lilly, the expat who is constantly reinventing herself abroad
Lilly has lived abroad for more than 10 years. She has studied in the US, worked in Canada and is now pursuing the dream of becoming an entrepreneur somewhere in Central America.

Global edition articles

How changing food habits impacts your health as an expat
Health system
How changing food habits impacts your health as an expat
Adjusting to new food abroad involves more than just overcoming a psychological barrier or embracing an adventurous spirit. Your body may be sensitive and resistant to unfamiliar foods. How can you take care of your health while adjusting to a new culinary landscape? Here are some tips. 
Unlock the joy of biking and walking in your new life abroad
Unlock the joy of biking and walking in your new life abroad
Moving abroad often serves as the perfect moment to change your habits: expanding your social circle, improving lifestyle choices, and altering your modes of consumption and transportation. Have you been primarily dependent on cars until now? Why not take the opportunity of moving to a new city to make a radical shift towards better health and the environment by adopting walking and biking? These modes of transportation are increasingly popular in large international cities and are indeed driving their development.
Request, receive, return: the guide to voting in American elections from abroad U.S. Citizens abroad can vote in this year's elections
Center for U.S. Voters Abroad
Request, receive, return: the guide to voting in American elections from abroad U.S. Citizens abroad can vote in this year's elections
All U.S. citizens are eligible to vote absentee while living or traveling abroad and a new organization is making that process much better. Here's how.