
Dominican Police using cell phones with facial recognition technology


This was just posted on DR1 by a forum moderator and is posted in its entirety below:

35 minutes ago


Apparently, the Dominican police is using facilal ID technology installed in their smart phones. All they have to do is enter into the system the cédula number or take a photo of your face and the info about you comes up in their phone instantly including a red light turns on in their phone if there is a outstanding warrant for you, immediately the police will arrest you. If the light is green, it means you have no issues and they leave you alone. Yellow means the person has a criminal record and gray that they have a registered gun (at that moment the police will ask for the documentation to determine if the arms license has expired. According to the Listìn Diario, so far they have detected 843 people that were running from the law and they have been allerted of over 2,700 stolen vehicles. In November alone 116 people with an outstanding warrant were arrested. During the first trimester of 2023 another 6,000 smart phones belonging to police officers will have this system installed. Lastly, the data base already has registered the faces of over 10 million people (most likely taken from the photo in your cédula and/or passport.)

Does this mean that you could be walking any Dominican street at anytime and a police can take a photo of you, get your info, etc without you ever being aware of this?

If the person is an immigrant and their face matches with what is in the data base it means they get your info and that you are legal. What happens if they can't get your info, if your face gives them an error message, nothing comes up? Does it mean you are an illegal? If the face in the system doesn't match the face on the cédula, does it mean you have a fake cédula?

What about expats of the type that like to enter the DR on a 30-day tourist card and simply let it expired and pay the fine once they leave for the additional days past the 30-day limit that they were in the DR illegally?

What if you have an Interpol warrant for a crime you committed outside the DR, it expedite the amount of time it takes to capture you anywhere and arrest you anywhere in the DR?

See also

Living in Dominican Republic: the expat guideVacuum cleaner, sewing machine, printerInheritance or real estate attorneyInsurance over 65any feedback on these locations?

Does it mean your photo could be taken at any time and run through their data base?  Of course that can happen. What happens after that?  It depends....


This is very interesting.

Michael Shirley

In the US the TSA announced today they launch facial recognition in several large airports and look to fully implement in 2023. I know we are discussing the DR here but I make the point this technology is widespread around the world we live in today and whether we like it or not it’s my opinion it will be used just about everywhere for everything in the near future.


Point well taken!


DR has had this for some time.

Remember it was in use at the airports on arrival before. Now they use it on departure or at least at the gate at SDQ.

So now the police are using it. Great.


There is no expectation of privacy in public, anyone can take a picture of you. Stopping you to take a picture is questionable depending what country you are in. Just dont be a criminal and you should be good to go.


There is no expectation of privacy in public, anyone can take a picture of you. Stopping you to take a picture is questionable depending what country you are in. Just dont be a criminal and you should be good to go.

This is about the DR only with the use of facial recognition to verify the status of people and the ramifications therein. 

People like to wander off topic.


It's not really off topic and the point is valid.