
Hiring cleaning person


I am confused about the use of an independent cleaning person in DR. I want to pay a person to clean my apartment on regular basis in exchange for monetary payment.   I am told that there is no such thing as “independent contractor” and that there may be government fees and insurance that must be paid.  All lawyers I spoke with appear confused and say it is a gray zone.  Can anyone confirm that independent contracting is a no-no in DR?

thank you

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I do not think in any country the grey area does not exist. In this case paying someone in cash is very common though not technically legal.


Paying someone  you trust is how to do it. Forget the part about health insurance and the official legal way of it; if you want to do it by the book go for it, but you will be the only one on the island doing it.

There are companies who are poping up offering maid service pay-as-you-go if it makes you feel better go through them but you will pay more.


@DRVisitor thank you very much for the feedback


@T.DRRR I appreciate the response.  Exactly what I thought.  Regards/ A


Here is all you need to know … 0servicio.


Under the new law domestic employees need to be registered with the govt for basic coverage. They have many of the labor benefits under the law but not all of them.

They have the right to minimum wage, basic insurance provided by the govt system, minimum 9 hours rest between shifts and 36 hours off in a row. 

I do not know at what point they need to be registered.  1 day a week? 2 days? More than 3 days a week,. PT vs FT? I will try to find out.


@planner excellent.  Thank you.  The issue is the cleaning person is truly independent and not really domestic employee.  She has several clients and offer her services as independent. 


@T.DRRR I know plenty of people who do it the legal way! It shows respect for your employee as well as the laws of the country. This particular question about part-time workers is a different matter, but everyone I know with full-time housekeepers, gardeners, or watchy-men is doing it legally.