
English speaking Doctors in Santiago

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Hello im checking to see if anyone know any good english speaking Doctors in the Santiago area? I actually live in Licey al Medio but its basically in Santiago.

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The healthcare system in the Dominican RepublicPregnancy in the Dominican RepublicAccidents and emergencies in the Dominican RepublicLooking for U.S. Federal Employees that have retired in the DRDermatologist Recommendation
lavega dega

Yes I do, and I know an incredible dentist as well. Write me at [link moderated] and I'll share my experiences with you.


Hello everyone,

Welcome on board !

@ Shaddaione, I hope members will soon provide some references. Are you looking for a specialist ?

@Lavega dega, please note that infos should be given on the forum for the benefit of all members.

All the best,



@lavega dega Hello - I will be living full time in Moca and such information would msot appreciated. I hope to have our house built by the end of June and I will be finished working here in Canada buy the end of July/mid Aug....thanks.

Tropical Flower

@lavega dega I live close to Santiago and would like to have the information too. 


Hi all. So sorry, but unfortunate circumstances kept me from accessing and following up on this. So, here goes for a few now. I have 2 additional ones (other specialties) and will pass them along sometime soon.

Have had quite a few ordeals in the last 8 years (a lot of doctors, and a lot of good ones also) and can't recommend these highly enough. Outstanding.

If you end up contacting them, I'd appreciate if you mention "Jim from La Vega":

Dentist - Dr. Edison De Leon



C/Proyecto 3 #21, Reparto Oquet, Santiago

Urologist - Dr. Sanchez Caba

Metropolitan Hospital (HOMS), Santiago De Los Caballeros 51000

Telephone : (829) 947-2518

Ear, Nose Throat, Head & Neck – Otolaryngologist

Dr. Victor Carlos Pou Lopez

Corominas Restoration Clinic No. 57, Santiago , Dom. Rep. (809) 580-1171 ...

What does an otolaryngologist do? Otolaryngology is a medical specialty that is focused on the ears, nose, and throat. It is also called otolaryngology head and neck surgery because specialists are trained in both medicine and surgery. An otolaryngologist is often called an ear, nose, and throat doctor, or an ENT for short.


@jimwestman thank you.  I owe you a drink


Hello jimwestman,

Thank you for these references.

Do not hesitate to recommend these professionals in the Dominican Republic business directory1f609.svg


Yoginee team


Thanks Jim - a great list. I had the need for medical help once and fortunately my wifes family helped get me through getting Xrays and the Dr I got to see for the follow up spoke some English. That was just up the road in Moca. I drive to HOMS tot he Medical Supply store to purchase Distilled Water for my CPAP machine as it is not readiliy available in Moca. Cheers.....


@lavega dega hi, I am looking to find some good physicians in the Dominican Republic.

Best if English speaking or have some English speaking staff.

Looking forward to hearing.

Thanks,. James


Moderated by Cheryl 2 years ago
Reason : Contact details
We invite you to read the forum code of conduct

Hello Drjames,

Kindly avoid posting your personal contact details on the forum for security reasons.


Cheryl team


My son will be in Santiago ans we are looking for a general doctor who speaks English. it would be great to het some or the referrals mentioned here. thank you so much!

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