Social/educational worker

Posted 10 months ago
23 Visits

I am looking for a job in social and psychological support for people going through personal, family, psychological or professional, family difficulties. I also offer educational support for children, how to support and accompany a child having difficulties, with their family, those around them and their peers. The support offered is adapted to each person depending on their difficulties and psychological availability. I can also support families in the adoption of children, how to understand this process and how everyone can find their place in their family. How to create tools so that the relationship and the emotional bond are established and endure.

original text

Assistante sociale/éducatif

Je suis à la recherche d' un emploi dans l accompagnement social et psychologique des personnes traversant des difficultés d ordre personnel, familial, psychologique ou professionnel, famille. Je propose également un accompagnement éducatif pour enfant, comment soutenir et accompagner un enfant ayant des difficultes, avec sa famille, son entourage et ses pairs. L accompagnement proposé est adapté à chaque personne et ce en fonction de ses difficultés et ses disponibilités psychiques. Je peux également accompagner les familles dans le cadre d adoption d enfants, comment appréhender cette démarche et que chacun trouve sa place dans sa famille. Comment créer des outils pour que la relation et le lien affectif s établisse et perdure.


Écoute, empathie, accompagnement adapté, adaptation et force de proposition


Licence social

Assistante sociale

DEUG droit

Language(s) spoken

French (Mother tongue)

Job offer details
What I am looking for
Fixed-term contract
Working time
Full time
Salary range
EUR 5000