
Moving abroad: Is it a good idea to bring your belongings during a pandemic?
Moving abroad: Is it a good idea to bring your belongings during a pandemic?
Moving abroad, just like many great adventures, also brings great responsibility. You need to organise your stay in the new place based on your needs, and those of your fellow travellers if you are moving with a partner or with family. Departing is not easy as it means leaving behind your friends, your culture and some of your dear objects. Therefore, it is very important to decide what to take and leave for your new life abroad.
Why you should consider taxes before moving to Europe
Why you should consider taxes before moving to Europe
Most European countries, particularly those of the European Union (EU), have higher tax rates than other global powerhouses. In 2019, taxes accounted for 40.1% of the GDP of EU Member States. Even though the pandemic has led to a significant rise in public expenditure and a tax decline, there's still a huge gap between countries with high and low tax rates. So which are currently the most attractive countries?
How important is the quality of healthcare for expatriates?
Health system
How important is the quality of healthcare for expatriates?
Healthcare has become a recurring hot topic since the start of the pandemic, with health systems being under strain. Political scientists, economists, scientists, researchers, and of course, doctors point to the upheavals shaking health systems around the globe. The cost of healthcare is another issue, especially for expatriates and prospective expatriates. Should you choose your next destination based on the quality of its health system?
What you should consider before joining a company abroad
What you should consider before joining a company abroad
Getting a job opportunity abroad is a dream for many expats. It means a new adventure, international experience and exciting opportunities. However, as the world was struck by the pandemic, the working dynamic worldwide has been shattered, leaving many expats wondering about their future. 
Healthcare: What British expats should consider
Health system
Healthcare: What British expats should consider
British citizens live in a country where the organ that allows universal social healthcare gives priority to people in need rather than to the prices of their treatment. This system established as a consequence of the aftermath of the WW2 has been regularized through the National Health System in England, Scotland and Wales. 
Why countries are now focusing on brain gain
Everyday life
Why countries are now focusing on brain gain
Switzerland, the United States, the United Kingdom, Israel, Australia, Canada, etc., are known for their skilled labour shortage and implementing policies to encourage immigration. But some countries are focusing on brain gain instead. With a never-ending pandemic, including new variants, economies are finding it hard to rely on foreign labour. Wouldn't it be a good idea if expatriates returned to serve their home country? Here's an insight into what's happening around the world.
Things expats like to travel with but are not allowed to
Everyday life
Things expats like to travel with but are not allowed to
Are you planning a move to Canada, the United States, or a getaway to Senegal, Thailand, South Korea? Perhaps you are eager to return to your home country and reunite with your loved ones. The start of the year sounds like revenge or catch-up for many. Despite the uncertainty brought about by the pandemic, people are again looking to travel or relocate overseas. But have you ever thought about what you're allowed to pack in your suitcase?
How to meet new people in not so friendly cities
Everyday life
How to meet new people in not so friendly cities
For many, moving abroad means embracing new life, embarking on a new adventure. It also means meeting new people, sharing moments and experiences, planning outings and building solid friendships. But this is not always the case, which can make your stay abroad quite challenging. So how to make new friends in a not so friendly city as an expat?
Rising property prices in the Middle East: What this means for expats
Rising property prices in the Middle East: What this means for expats
The Middle East is an economically diverse region that includes countries with a common heritage, vastly different levels of per capita income, and a diverse economy. Historically, the residential property market in the region is on a steady course, but prices are expected to rise modestly over the next couple of years with the rising demand and recovery of the economy. 
How British expats are dealing with Brexit conditions in Europe
Everyday life
How British expats are dealing with Brexit conditions in Europe
Since January 2021, UK expats in Europe have been regarded as non-EU nationals for immigration procedures, which implies very important changes in order to obtain their residence permit. However, they still have the option of regularizing their situation as long as they meet the requirements of both countries. 
Expat incentives: debunking the myths
Everyday life
Expat incentives: debunking the myths
People have perhaps never wanted to travel as much as today. And with all the incentives on offer, what could they ask for more? We often talk about the best cities for quality of life and higher living standards. Some of them are even offering financial gains to anyone who would like to relocate there. What is the reality behind these measures? 
Why Ontario needs more immigrant workers
Why Ontario needs more immigrant workers
Due to a historic labour shortage, Ontario's immigration minister Monte McNaughton introduced the “Working for Workers Act” on October 25 last year. If it gets passed, it could mean big changes for expats interested in going to Ontario.
Expats and their plans for 2022
Everyday life
Expats and their plans for 2022
Since March 2020, many things have changed for expats and those who were planning to relocate overseas. However, they haven't given up and started this new year on a good note. They talk to Expat.com about their priorities for 2022. 
Our best expat interviews of 2021
Everyday life
Our best expat interviews of 2021
2021 has not been an easy year for expats. While some managed to move abroad amid the pandemic, others simply enjoyed their time in their host country while others preferred to return home. We have selected for you 12 expats stories from the past 12 months.
How to plan for your children's higher education as an expat
How to plan for your children's higher education as an expat
One of the major challenges of expat parents is the fact that they are not always around with their families. Though it is a rewarding package to be working as an expat, the sacrifices you have to make especially when you can't take your kids and partner with you are worth talking about. One of the areas of concern is your children's education. 
How will expatriates celebrate Christmas this year amidst Omicron variant?
Everyday life
How will expatriates celebrate Christmas this year amidst Omicron variant?
Amidst questions, weariness, optimism and resilience, the world faces yet another holiday season, praying that there will not be any more surprises. For expatriates, there are even more uncertainties: to travel or not to travel? Under what conditions? The new COVID-19 variant, Omicron, has added itself to the list of worries and is forcing them to change their plans. What are expats doing this Christmas 2021? Going home or staying put ?
Expats have their end of year plans: will they be able to make it? 
Expats have their end of year plans: will they be able to make it? 
Living abroad as an expat might bring its benefits and opportunities, but when it comes to the end of the year, some general concerns arise over Christmas and New Year's celebrations. Where to go? With whom should one celebrate? But now, amidst the pandemic, it is more challenging: will expats be able to go back to their home countries or travel for tourism?
Christmas dishes you should try as an expat
Christmas dishes you should try as an expat
Christmas is a special and expected holiday for many to be around family and friends, but also for eating well with traditional foods. From turkey to sprouts, and chicken stews to pan d'épices – whatever festive feast expats are cooking this Christmas, they might be looking to eat, drink and be merry with local festive recipes, or they will even fancy trying international ones. Therefore, we compiled 7 Christmas dishes ideas for expats with alternatives for vegans. 

Other Types

Golden visa reforms to continue attracting foreign investors
Golden visa reforms to continue attracting foreign investors
The Golden Visa has not had its final say. Despite the visa controversy, several countries keep relying on it to attract foreign capital. Let's discover which countries are relaunching or reforming the program and what has changed.
Attracting global talent: How the EU plans to solve its healthcare crisis
Attracting global talent: How the EU plans to solve its healthcare crisis
The European Union is in need of healthcare professionals. Although this isn't publicized within European institutions, a behind-the-scenes battle is clearly underway among various European countries. These countries are treading carefully, balancing more restrictive immigration policies with chronic labor shortages. What does this mean for medical professionals from around the globe?
EURES at 30: A legacy of labour mobility across Europe
EURES at 30: A legacy of labour mobility across Europe
For 30 years, EURES has been connecting jobseekers and employers across Europe. Launched in 1994, this European network of employment services has played a pivotal role in facilitating the free movement of labour within the EU, overcoming employment barriers, and promoting career opportunities across Europe. Check it out and learn more about what this service is about and how jobseekers and employers can benefit.
Immigration policy changes: Latest updates from Canada, UAE, Australia, Thailand, and more
Immigration policy changes: Latest updates from Canada, UAE, Australia, Thailand, and more
New visas aimed at attracting foreign talent are continuously being introduced as qualified professionals remain in high demand by countries that simultaneously tighten their immigration rules. The priority is clearly on highly skilled economic immigration. Here's a detailed look.
Where are American expats moving for more affordable healthcare?
Where are American expats moving for more affordable healthcare?
The prohibitive cost of healthcare in the US is making Americans choose or consider expatriation. The latest research from the health policy NGO KFF shows that half of American adults struggle to afford medical care. It should come as no surprise that many are heading to Europe, where public healthcare systems tend to be more developed and well-funded. Others are opting for Latin America, where private healthcare is affordable for expats who earn in dollars.
UK immigration decline 2024: What it means for future expats
UK immigration decline 2024: What it means for future expats
One of the government's goals was to curb the rising trend of immigration by tightening the rules for prospective expats. April saw the introduction of new measures aimed at further filtering applications from foreign workers. What does this mean for those considering moving to the UK? Here's an in-depth look.