Lifestyle - Expat Magazine

COVID-19: How you should deal in case of death overseas
COVID-19: How you should deal in case of death overseas
More than 63,000 coronavirus-related deaths have been recorded around the world, all nationalities combined. Nearly three-quarters of them happened in Europe. Add to that the growing number of new cases every day. Alarming right? What if your family was concerned during your stay abroad? Here are some tips to help you cope with this kind of situation.
Lockdown: The perfect moment to challenge yourself
Lockdown: The perfect moment to challenge yourself
For some, confinement means boredom and loneliness. Meantime, others are seizing the opportunity to do things they have always been dreaming of. What if you also started doing things you never find time for? Expats around the world talk to about their achievements in spite of the lockdown in their host country.
Professionals: More than 50% of expats want to come back to their home country...
Professionals: More than 50% of expats want to come back to their home country...
A study run by and aiming at uncovering the repatriation habits of expats has found 65% of working expats seek work abroad but only want to live abroad temporarily. Indeed, only 35% of them consider permanent expatriation. Out of which a certain amount ends up coming back anyway.
A third of retirees shorten their expatriation
A third of retirees shorten their expatriation
A survey run by in November 2019 aims at uncovering the repatriation habits of expatriates. An important part of the survey was dedicated to understanding the approach of retirees to settling abroad. When they plan to live abroad, do they leave for a set duration or do they want to settle abroad permanently? And do they change their minds while abroad? The current survey shows that one in three retirees shorten their expatriation.
Opinion: Does being an expat mean I'll always be the outsider?
Opinion: Does being an expat mean I'll always be the outsider?
Does being an expat mean always being the outsider? Not quite at home in your host country and a little bit of a stranger to your home country. Stephanie discusses how she navigates this identity as a Brit living in Paris.
Moving from a liberal to a more conservative country...
Moving from a liberal to a more conservative country...
Moving abroad is a massive change. Uprooting your life to a whole new country is, in itself, no easy feat. And this can become even harder when moving into a country with a completely different way of life, laws and regulations that are the opposite of what you've always known like when you move from a liberal to a more conservative country. So how do you deal with this?
Is it time to go back to your home country?
Is it time to go back to your home country?
When we move to a new country, we hope desperately that everything will work out and that we'll stay for as much as we plan to and maybe more. But unfortunately, things don't always work out. Whether it's due to personal circumstances or the law, there comes a time when some expats may have to either move back to their home country or somewhere else. But when you're dealing with a difficult personal situation, how do you know if you should persevere just a bit longer, or it's actually time to move on? We discuss some important factors to base your decision on.
The Netherlands as an expat destination: Should you?
The Netherlands as an expat destination: Should you?
Recently, ECA International released its list of top 20 most livable cities for European expats. Four out of the 20 top cities were found in the Netherlands with The Hague, Eindhoven and Amsterdam all being in the top 10. Quite obviously, this country is a highly attractive destination for those wishing to relocate. But why? In this article, we'll dissect the good (and the bad) of the Netherlands so you can decide for yourself if it's a good destination to move to.
Eight types of expats you have met during your time abroad...
Eight types of expats you have met during your time abroad...
Whether you've been living abroad for a while or you have just arrived, if you have an expat circle of friends, then you have definitely met the following types of expats. And if there is a type you cannot quite assign to anyone, then it is probably you!  P.S: We did not need to carry a study to find this out, we have enough expats here in our's team ;)
Tips on how to settle in an unsafe area...
Tips on how to settle in an unsafe area...
Numbeo has just released its list of the safest and the least safe cities in the world. Abu Dhabi, Doha, Taipei, Quebec city and Charjah in the UAE are the safest cities while Caracas, Port Moresby in New Guinea, Pietermaritzburg, Pretoria and Durban in South Africa are the least safe, Numbeo found. But should the safety levels of a country stop you from living your expat dream? Realizing your dream expat destination is not as safe as you might have thought doesn't mean you can't still have an amazing time. It just means you have to be smarter about it. Read on for some helpful tips on how to settle in and stay safe after you've moved.
The best places for senior expats  to live in
The best places for senior expats to live in
So you have decided to retire abroad? Have you yet chosen the country where you would like to spend the rest of your life? Age UK website recently published its study about the best countries to live in for the elderly. It comes as no surprise that Finland, Denmark, the Netherlands, Switzerland and Australia top the list for factors like security, life expectancy, etc.
Would you dare move to a small town?
Would you dare move to a small town?
When we think of “moving abroad”, we often think of living the big life in a big city. There does not even seem to be a need to explain why moving to a big city would make sense. Everything is just easier in a big city. In small towns, everything is more complicated. Do the residents themselves not “go up to the city?” But, far from the clichés, small towns have many advantages.
Our expats' New Year Resolutions!
Our expats' New Year Resolutions!
New year, new decade. Time for some change, something fresh and new. Have you decided to relocate this year? Or have you, finally, decided to learn the language of your host country? Here are what the expats we have contacted have said…
End of year celebrations: six traditions to experience around the world
End of year celebrations: six traditions to experience around the world
In many places around the world, the holiday season is an opportunity to share good times with family and friends. However, each country has its own peculiarities! Here are some traditions that make Christmas and New Year's Day super exciting...
Reasons why home is the best place to spend the holidays...
Reasons why home is the best place to spend the holidays...
No matter where expats are, they are always striving to go home for Christmas. Afterall, nothing beats being with family and friends during the holidays. Airfares are the most expensive during the time and the holiday rush is enough to drive anyone crazy yet home is still the best place to spend Christmas.
Holiday Blues: Travelling on Christmas or New Years Day
Holiday Blues: Travelling on Christmas or New Years Day
One of the worst times of the year to buy tickets for a flight is around Christmas. Ticket prices usually hike up to three times as much as its regular rate. This is because there is usually a mad rush for travelers around the world to get home in time for the festive season. While some expats have no problem shelling out that much for tickets just to go home, some ride out the Christmas rush and wait until the peak passes instead. This means traveling on Christmas or New Year's day itself.
Christmas songs around the world
Christmas songs around the world
Music makes the season even merrier no matter where you are from the world. It has the ability to spread the festive cheer and make anyone's mood instantly lighter. We looked into various songs from different nations around the world to check out the famous Christmas songs.
Christmas: How to get in the mood when your host country does not celebrate...
Christmas: How to get in the mood when your host country does not celebrate...
Some countries in the world do not celebrate Christmas such as those in the Middle East. Such countries are Saudi Arabia, Oman, United Arab Emirates and the rest of the Gulf States. Other non-Arab countries that do not celebrate Christmas are: Mongolia, China and Brunei. However, these countries are also most frequented by expats from all over the world. While some countries are stricter than others, a number of these are also receptive of Christmas celebrations.