Lifestyle - Expat Magazine

How ready are you for an expat adventure?
How ready are you for an expat adventure?
Have you been offered a job abroad? Do you feel the need to get out of your daily routine? Do you dream of going away? But are you really ready to leave everything behind and move abroad? Here are five questions you need to ask yourself to find out...
How do expats adapt to a new climate?
How do expats adapt to a new climate?
Climate is often a decisive factor when it comes to choosing an expatriation destination. Who would not want to move to a sunny, tropical island? Circumstances, however, often mean that you are most likely to end up in a country with harsher weather conditions than that. Here are some tips for choosing your destination and preparing for your new life.
Towards a smart expat retirement plan
Towards a smart expat retirement plan
Whereas a retirement plan should be a concern for every adult who wishes to spend their golden years in relative comfort, expats have a lot more to organise when it comes to their pension. Precisely, if you have been living and working abroad for many years, you cannot rely on what your home country's national pension scheme has to offer. To make things clearer and your expat life easier, we have put together some insightful information about retirement planning when working outside your home country.
10 questions that trailing spouses do not want to hear anymore!
10 questions that trailing spouses do not want to hear anymore!
When a couple decides to settle abroad, very often there is the person who leaves for work and the one who follows. And while both partners have usually properly thought through their decision, the entourage is not always very open-minded regarding the role of the “trailing spouse”. What are the questions expat partners get asked all the time but cannot stand?
The 3 common traps expats fall into when trying to learn a language
The 3 common traps expats fall into when trying to learn a language
You want to go abroad or have just settled there. You are wondering how to integrate well and most of all be able to communicate with the locals and other foreigners? Perhaps you are even looking for a job that requires speaking another language.. Learning the local language seems like the most natural thing to do. But a lot of us get discouraged really fast. In fact, after 2 years living abroad very few English-speaking people do speak the local language. For some of us this means, less professional and personal development opportunities. Personally this meant not being hired by anyone when I first moved to the German-speaking part of Switzerland. If you want to make the most of your experience abroad, you are going to need to avoid the 3 traps most expats fall into - including me a few years ago. For each of them I will give you an alternative and well as a concrete action you can take right now for immediate results.
Friday the 13th: Superstitions from around the world!
Friday the 13th: Superstitions from around the world!
The Friday the 13th superstition is thought to originate from the last supper of Jesus where 13 individuals were present. Today, the superstition is alive and kicking and the fear of Friday the 13th even has a scientific name- triskaidekaphobia. It has given rise to a famous and very successful franchise of movies and it is also known to cause significant loss to businesses in the United States as a lot of people refuse to travel to work. But this is not the only, or even the strangest superstition. What are other superstitions around the world you should absolutely know about?
The ten phrases expats could do without when announcing their move
The ten phrases expats could do without when announcing their move
Announcing your moving abroad plans to your loved ones is no easy feat. Apprehension, fear of hurting them and causing sadness, fear of not being understood… It is often a difficult first step and you will almost always have to deal with a few very simplistic reactions. Reactions that expats could definitely do without! Here are ten things that expatriates hate to hear when announcing their departure.
Amazon rainforest fires: Expats on ground speak
Amazon rainforest fires: Expats on ground speak
It has been more or less a month since the Amazon rainforest fires have started. While fires happen in the rainforest every year, it has been reported that there are more than 80, 000 fires which is 85% more than what was recorded last year. So, what do expats on ground have to say?
A few tips to make farewells smoother
A few tips to make farewells smoother
Making the decision to live abroad can be an exciting moment. When it comes time to announcing it to your loved ones, however, sadness or guilt can take over. So how do you say goodbye? This article gives you some tips for managing this situation.
Expats in Hong Kong: Are they considering a return home?
Hong Kong
Expats in Hong Kong: Are they considering a return home?
It has been six months since the unrest started in Hong Kong. Caused by disagreements over an extradition bill, confrontation between protesters and the police have been never-ending since February in the region. Does that mean expats could be considering leaving Hong Kong? It does not look like it just yet…
The free mobile apps revolutionising expatriation
The free mobile apps revolutionising expatriation
Gone are the days where the only way expats had to keep in touch with their relatives back home were letters that could take weeks and at times, months. Technology is revolutionising expatriation. In this piece, focuses on the mobile apps that you should not miss out on.
Surprise as Vancouver becomes world's friendliest city!
Surprise as Vancouver becomes world's friendliest city!
Vancouver is the world's friendliest city, according to Big 7 ranking. But this news has not been unanimously welcomed with the pride one would expect from Vancouverites. Here is the top 10 and here is what Vancouverites had to say about the ranking.
Once an expat, always an expat?
Once an expat, always an expat?
You can live for years in a foreign country and still never feel completely at home. And when you go back home, it is not a done deal either. Indeed, it is not always easy to find your bearings and feel like you belong in the country in which you grew up.. Does going abroad mean you will never stop struggling with your sense of belonging? tries to answer this question.
Best cities for work-life balance
Best cities for work-life balance
There is no way around it. If you're uprooting your life to a whole other country, you are going to want to make sure your quality of life is better after your move. And chances are, one of the factors you will take into consideration is work-life balance. Will your new job, your new work culture allow you to spend enough quality time outside of work? Here are five cities where you will find work-life balance is taken to a whole other level. They are the best five cities for work-life balance according to Kisi, the world renowned security experts.
Brexit: Boris Johnson unveils plans to ease entry for scientists
Brexit: Boris Johnson unveils plans to ease entry for scientists
The aim is to ensure continued top level research and innovation in the UK after a no-deal Brexit. Indeed, Britain's new Prime Minister, Boris Johnson has announced plans to make it easier for scientists to seek residence visas in the UK after Brexit which is scheduled in October this year.
Settling abroad with a disability: Where should you go?
Settling abroad with a disability: Where should you go?
Settling down abroad is an exciting adventure. It is a journey to discover others, but also the self. There are so many things to decide on, starting with your host country. How do you make the right choice? What are the things to look out for? And when you're disabled, these become even more important. Settling abroad with a disability narrows down your choices. But how can you make it work? And what countries are making progress on issues related to accessibility and inclusiveness? We launched a discussion on this topic our forums last week and in view of the answers, takes stock of the challenges of moving abroad with a disability.
Settling abroad: How to make the most of your scouting trip
Settling abroad: How to make the most of your scouting trip
A scouting expat trip is a process of testing the waters before making a life-changing decision to move (or not) to a country. At first, it may sound unreasonable to spend all this money and time to visit a place where you are most likely relocating to anyway. But it's actually a wise choice and a thoughtful investment towards your expatriation project. In the long term, it can save you a whole lot of hustle. So, don't take someone else's word for your prospecting expat country; find out for yourself. Here's a primer on how to make the most of your scouting trip.
Break-ups and divorce abroad: Prevention is better cure
Break-ups and divorce abroad: Prevention is better cure
There are a lot of things one anticipates when moving abroad. Health problems, money issues, maybe even loss of a job. It is harder and less common, though, to anticipate break-ups and divorce. And divorce as expats definitely is no easy feat...