Looking to interview expats in Mexico


I've been checking out the forums for articles on the issues of violence in Mexico - and how it is perhaps overplayed in the foreign media - and found a few good ones. I have a few other questions I'd be interested to ask if you are an expat in Mexico.

I'm specifically looking to address the US media portrayal of life in Mexico and why many Americans are refusing to visit or live there. I'd like to clear up some of the confusion.

Feel free to send me a message if you can help. I have reached out to a few people already and hope to get a great consensus.

Thanks for your great site.

Hi nomadcapitalist !

Maybe you should try posting an advert in the testimonies section of Mexico classifieds.
It might help.



I am an Expat from the US.  We moved to Akumal in Novemeber 2012.  I would be more than happy to answer any questions that you have regarding this topic.:)