Which school: Bogaerts, Courtyard Tervuren or Euro School?


I'm moving in the summer to Brussels for 4 years. I have a 12 year old and a 9 year old. They speak 3 European languages, one being English. They don't speak any French, neither Dutch. We have some income flexibility to pay private school, but not that much that we want to pay the expensive ones. So, after a long research, I've come up with the Bogaerts, the Courtyard Tervuren and the European School (yes, we are eligible for it).

We like Bogaerts, as it feels formal and the school seems to be a good place for the kids to be educated on. I guess it's all in English, so nothing to say about it. Only downsize is it's far away from where we want to live (SouthEast or East Brussels).
For Courtyard, we like the farm type of school and the nature around the education. But, I'm concern the classes are taught in French and English, so not sure if it's a good thing. Also, the Nature focus, I hope isn't too much kumbaya type of thing. We want the kids to be educated, not brainwashed.
And finally, the European School of Brussels. It seems to be like a public school, big and crowed. Feels like my high school back home. Good thing is that they would have people who are from their countries and once we move back, they can easily fit in where we live today. The problem is the noise I keep hearing of too many kids, teachers who can't wait to go home and some bullying. Again, reminds me of my school, but if I need to drag them away from where they are today, at least I want them to have a good environment.

Anyone has kids in these schools? If so, could you comment on the plus/minus of having your kids at each of them?

Hi,  My daughter is going to Bogaerts  (IB program) . We had interviewed with all the internationals schools and we ended with Bogaerts . The Staff is professional and helpful with all the question we had. 
Good Luck !