New here...

hey everyone...

my name is kristy, Im 30 years old.. live in south carolina. I am seriously thinking about moving to boyfriend of over 9 years is guatemalteco. he lived here in the us for 21 years but was deported march of 2010. it was a shock for him to move back to guate but he is working now and doing good. the thing is we cant have a relationship with him there and me here so i am looking into moving there to guatemala city where he lives....i have evferything ready but i am scared!! the lauange isnt a problem. i am fluent in, write and speak spanish.. i am scared to move to another country..i was just wondering what it is like over there...i need to hear this from someone other than him.. lol. i have everything ready..its just buying the plane ticket and getting on the plane!!!

Hello kristy and welcome to!

Very sorry for what happened.

I hope that other members will advise you soon.


Hi Kristy-
I am an older Canadian who came to Guatemala a month ago. I am currently living in Antigua and going to Spanish School.
If I had language skills in spanish I would be bogeying all over the country.
Everyone I have met so far has been wonderfully courteous, generous and kind. you have youth, spanish, and a close contact in Guatemala. I envy you that.
Hesitate no longer!